Have you ever wondered how can a whiff of rosemary improve your memory? Science has the answer to your question. Experts have proven that this herb can increase the memory by 75
If you check historical records more thoroughly, you will find some strong evidence that backs up this fact. The Tudors used rosemary as they believed it has the power to improve memory.
“There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance” is a powerful line from Hamlet.
Experts also explain that rosemary oil can help alertness and arithmetic.
So, Shakespeare was absolutely right when he said that rosemary improves our memory. Researchers also showed that sniffing rosemary oil helps us to remember to do things.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
This Herb Kills Even 86% of Lung Cancer Cells

Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of death throughout the world. According to American Lung Cancer Association, “lung cancer causes more deaths than the next three most common cancers combined – colon, breast and pancreatic.”
About 75-80% of the lung cancer cases come from a cancer known as non-small cell lung cancer (NSCL).
You probably wonder what does parsley has to do with cancer treatments? Believe it or not, it is more than a garnish for your meals.
The journal Pub Med published a study according to which apigenin can destroy cancer cells up to 86% in vitro, or in a petri dish. Apigening is a substance found in parsley, meaning this herb can be used in the treatment of this deadly disease.
Parsley is not the only gift of nature that contains apigening, but it is still the richest source of this flavonoid. Oranges, celery, onion, oregano, artichoke, coriander, chamomile tea and red wine are also packed with great amounts of apigenin.
Ready for some more surprises? Dried parsley you have been used in cooking has much more apigenin than fresh parsley.
Dried parsley contains about 4.5% of pure apigenin.
In 2005 Chinese scientists conducted a study and found that apigenin inhibits cell proliferation of lung cancer lines. This study also showed that the combination of apigenin and anti-tumor medication is amazingly effective in inhibiting cancer growth in lung, breast, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate and colon cancer.
Modern findings only support what ancient cultures have known for centuries
2000 years ago, parsley was first cultivated in the Mediterranean for medicinal purpose.
It is so powerful in breaking down kidney stones that a government advisory panel in Germany approved it as an agent for prevention and remedy for kidney stones.
Ancient Chinese combined celery, peppermint and parsley to protect vision
Parsley is rich in vitamin K, A, C, B-complex, iron, magnesium, chlorophyll and essential amino acids.
It is a potent antioxidant, meaning it is great for the lungs. Parsley can increase the oxygen intake, enhance antioxidant level in brain, regulate blood pressure and destroy bacteria and fungal infections in the body.
The PubMed study suggested that epidemiological studies, including the one based on parsley, outline the connection between cancer and environmental factors and lifestyle choices. This is a great base for cancer research as a preventive, and bring cancer sufferers their hope back.
Eat parsley as much as you can, improve your health and protect your organism against different ailments and even cancer. Parsley tea is one of the easiest way to include this miraculous herb in your diet. Here is how to make it:
Parsley Tea
Finely chop 14 og parsley root and pour in 200 ml of boiling water.
Let the liquid boil for another 5 minutes. Close the pot and leave it covered for 15 minutes. Strain.
For optimal results, drink three cups of parsley tea per day.
In alternative medicine parsley is appreciated as a powerful diuretic and it is one of the most efficient remedies for kidney stones. Parsley tea also helps in cases of urinary infections.
Always use the root and the leaves of the herb to make a nice cup of tea.
8 Plants and Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections And Even Repair Pulmonary Damage
Living in a world where we come in contact with pollutants, mold, irritants, harmful organisms, dust, fungus and other toxins on a daily basis, it is a hard task to maintain the health of our lungs. Since our respiratory system constantly works, a life without healthy lungs has too poor quality. Fortunately, nature has the solution, again!
Herbs provide numerous benefits for your respiratory system. They are soothing for the nasal passageways, act as an expectorant helping to expel and break up mucus, they help to relax the muscles near the upper respiratory system, and, they are a great source of antioxidants that help to reduce oxidative redness and damage.
Peppermint and Peppermint oil contain menthol, a soothing ingredient known to promote free breathing and relax the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract. Menthol is a fantastic decongestant when paired with the antihistamine effect of peppermint.
Dried peppermint typically contains menthone, menthyl acetate menthol, cineol and menthofuran. Peppermint oil also contains small amounts of many additional compounds including pulegone, caryophyllene, limonene, and pinene.
Osha Root
This root is native to the rocky mountain area and has been used by the Native Americans for many years for respiratory support. The root contains camphor that makes it one of the very best products for lung support in the United States of America.
The effectiveness of the eucalyptus is due to a compound called cineole. Cineole has numerous benefits – fights congestion, soothes irritated sinus passages, it’s an expectorant and can ease a cough.
Even more, it supports the immune system during a cold or other illness, since eucalyptus contains antioxidants. Eucalyptus is a common ingredient in cough syrups and lozenges.
Licorice Root
Licorice is one of the more widely consumed herbs in the world. It occurs in more formulas than any other single herb in the Traditional Chinese Medicine, because it is thought to harmonize the action of all other herbs. Licorice is very soothing and softens the mucous membranes of the throat and especially the stomach and lungs. At the same time, it cleanses any inflamed mucous membrane that needs immune system support.
Thyme has been used as a lung remedy since antiquity and is still used extensively today to treat and prevent bacterial infection, pneumonia and respiratory tract infections.
It is very powerful in the fight against chest congestion, because it produces powerful antiseptic essential oils that are classified as naturally anti – fungal and antibiotic. Thyme tea has the power to eliminate and chase away viruses and bacteria, so no matter what the basis of the infection is, thyme is the cure.
Sage tea is a traditional treatment for coughs and sore throats. Its textured leaves give off a heady aroma, which comes from sage’s essential oils. These oils are the source of the many benefits of sage tea for common respiratory and lung ailments.
The rich aromatic properties arising from sage’s volatile oils of camphor, thujone, salvene and terpene can be put to use by inhaling sage tea’s vapors to dispel sinusitis and lung disorders. Alternatively, brew a strong pot of sage tea and place it into a vaporizer or a bowl.
Lungwort has been used since the early 17th century to maintain respiratory and lung health and to clear congestion. It is a tree – growing lichen that is similar to the lung tissue in appearance.
The primary benefits of oregano are due to its rosmarinic and carvacrol acid content, even though it contains the nutrients and vitamins required by the immune system.
Both compounds are natural histamine reducers and decongestants that have positive, direct benefits on the nasal passage airflow and respiratory tract. The oregano oil is more beneficial in the struggle against the dangerous bacteria Staphylococcus aureus than the most common antibiotic treatments
Friday, August 26, 2016
6 Beautiful Plants That Repel Mosquitoes Naturally
There is nothing worse than sitting outside enjoying the beautiful weather and view of your great back yard only to be eaten alive by mosquitoes.
These pesky insects have a way of ruining a perfectly good time. Not only do they buzz in your ear and fly around you, they actually suck your blood. Once you get a mosquito bite you are left scratching the area and looking like a crazy person because of all the itching.
Of course there are numerous sprays and repellents that you can use in order to help keep these bugs away. However, most of these sprays simply do not smell the best and who really wants to spray those chemicals on their body anyway?
The good news is that with some simple landscape planning you can repel mosquitoes naturally. There are several gorgeous plants that you can put around your yard in order to keep mosquitoes away.
1. Basil
Not only is basil great for repelling mosquitoes, it also repels flies. You can keep this in your window sill, on your deck or wherever you have space. It is an easy herb to grow and it smells great. One of the best things about growing basil is not only does it work as a mosquito repellent, it is also great for adding to many dishes in your kitchen.
2. Citronella
It is likely that you have heard of this one as it is one of the more common ingredients in many insect repellents. There are even candles made from it. However, what you may or may not know is that citronella is actually a plant. It is a perennial that looks like clumping grass.
This plant gives off a strong odor. This odor is stronger than any product you can buy with citronella in it, making it a great choice for your yard. The plant is easy to grow and can reach heights of up to five or six feet.
3. Lemon Balm
Another natural mosquito repellent is the lemon balm, which is also a member of the mint family. However, lemon balm can be planted in the ground, since, unlike mint, it does not spread. One property of lemon balm is that is re-seeds every year, which can cause it to become rather prolific, but is convenient in case you want it to come back.
4. Lemon Thyme
Another great plant to grow to help repel mosquitoes is lemon thyme. Like basil you can use this herb in many dishes in the kitchen, making it an extremely useful addition to any yard. The plant is gorgeous and can be used for ground cover.
5. Mint
What is amazing is that all kinds of mint will perform the beneficial function. Rubbing the leaves of mint on the skin will give wonderful results, since it is a fragrant mosquito repellent. Mint is a plant that is easily grown, but it should not be planted in the ground, but in pots instead. If mint is planted in the ground, it will spread and take over everything. You can rub the leaves on your skin for a fragrant mosquito repellent.
6. Catnip
If you have cats, chances are you already have catnip growing around your house. Catnip is actually a really pretty plant that blooms during the summer months. If your cats get into it, catnip becomes even more effective as the cats will have the scent all over them and will spread it throughout your yard and home.
These are just a few of the plants that can be used in your yard in order to deter mosquitoes. There are several others that you may want to consider as well including mint, lemon balm, marigolds, lavender, garlic, penny royal, geraniums, and lilac.
If you find that you are more prone to being mosquito fodder than your friends, there may be a reason why. Learn more about why mosquitoes bite some people more than others here.
These pesky insects have a way of ruining a perfectly good time. Not only do they buzz in your ear and fly around you, they actually suck your blood. Once you get a mosquito bite you are left scratching the area and looking like a crazy person because of all the itching.
Of course there are numerous sprays and repellents that you can use in order to help keep these bugs away. However, most of these sprays simply do not smell the best and who really wants to spray those chemicals on their body anyway?
The good news is that with some simple landscape planning you can repel mosquitoes naturally. There are several gorgeous plants that you can put around your yard in order to keep mosquitoes away.
1. Basil
Not only is basil great for repelling mosquitoes, it also repels flies. You can keep this in your window sill, on your deck or wherever you have space. It is an easy herb to grow and it smells great. One of the best things about growing basil is not only does it work as a mosquito repellent, it is also great for adding to many dishes in your kitchen.
2. Citronella
It is likely that you have heard of this one as it is one of the more common ingredients in many insect repellents. There are even candles made from it. However, what you may or may not know is that citronella is actually a plant. It is a perennial that looks like clumping grass.
This plant gives off a strong odor. This odor is stronger than any product you can buy with citronella in it, making it a great choice for your yard. The plant is easy to grow and can reach heights of up to five or six feet.
3. Lemon Balm
Another natural mosquito repellent is the lemon balm, which is also a member of the mint family. However, lemon balm can be planted in the ground, since, unlike mint, it does not spread. One property of lemon balm is that is re-seeds every year, which can cause it to become rather prolific, but is convenient in case you want it to come back.
4. Lemon Thyme
Another great plant to grow to help repel mosquitoes is lemon thyme. Like basil you can use this herb in many dishes in the kitchen, making it an extremely useful addition to any yard. The plant is gorgeous and can be used for ground cover.
5. Mint
What is amazing is that all kinds of mint will perform the beneficial function. Rubbing the leaves of mint on the skin will give wonderful results, since it is a fragrant mosquito repellent. Mint is a plant that is easily grown, but it should not be planted in the ground, but in pots instead. If mint is planted in the ground, it will spread and take over everything. You can rub the leaves on your skin for a fragrant mosquito repellent.
6. Catnip
If you have cats, chances are you already have catnip growing around your house. Catnip is actually a really pretty plant that blooms during the summer months. If your cats get into it, catnip becomes even more effective as the cats will have the scent all over them and will spread it throughout your yard and home.
These are just a few of the plants that can be used in your yard in order to deter mosquitoes. There are several others that you may want to consider as well including mint, lemon balm, marigolds, lavender, garlic, penny royal, geraniums, and lilac.
If you find that you are more prone to being mosquito fodder than your friends, there may be a reason why. Learn more about why mosquitoes bite some people more than others here.
Wonder Herb That Fights Fatigue While Energizing Your Mind And Body!
Rosemary is an evergreen shrub with intensely scented needle-like leaves that thrives in a warm temperate and Mediterranean climate. Growing into a large woody shrub, this powerful herb displays a gorgeous, bee-friendly fanfare of tiny blue flowers in the spring.
This favorable herb provides so many beneficial effects, that is literally a sin not to include it into your diet. Rosemary holds an alchemical key to unraveling a turbulent mind whilst imbuing a calming, yet invigorating energy.
You just need to rub it between the fingers and inhale its rich, pleasant aroma and experience the most soothing and extravagant feelings.
Not only is rosemary a delicious addition to healthy cuisine, it supports our health in so many different and unique ways. Some of these benefits have been tried and tested through the ages, passed down from generation to generation and some have even been tested by science.
When you learn its numerous health uses, you will understand why it is ranked on the highest stages of beneficial herbs, and you will never leave you home without rosemary, for it is a real gift to be embraced by anyone.
Health benefits
Amazing anti-oxidant
Rosemary contains potent antioxidants which protect the body against free-radical damage. It has been shown to possesscaffeic acid and rosemarinic acid are well known for their antioxidant (and anti-inflammatory) benefits, as well as carnosol and ursollic acid, which are known to prevent melanoma and cancer.
Anti-inflammatory effect
It gives fantastic results as an anti-inflammatory and has been reported to relieve asthma, eczema, arthritis, gout and other inflammatory conditions. Undoubtedly, there are other herbs and spices that may give better and quicker results at reducing inflammation, but rosemary is certainly beneficial as an all-rounder.
Super brain food
Rosemary has been shown to stimulate the nervous system in the brain whilst increasing the flow of blood to the head, whilst it was also traditionally associated with strengthening the memory.
Moreover, this potent herb also contains compounds that stop the degradation of acetylcholine, which is an important neurotransmitter that ensures communication between the cells and healthy memory.
Adrenal fatigue, stress, fight or flight
It has the ability to help against adrenal fatigue and stress, since it calms the stress hormones. Wee aware that modern living creates numerous strange situations that we need to cope with.
Fight or flight immediately puts us in a state of stress as the body experiences a cascade of the highly stimulating, cortisol hormone throughout the body. In this case, rosemary, along with herbs like lavender, has the uncanny knack of being able to lower cortisol levels in the body.
All round energizing stimulant and relaxant
Rosemary is an all- round stimulant known for its uplifting, energizing qualities and at the same time, imparts the rather welcomed ability to calm and gently soothe.
Rosemary also supports blood circulation, improves digestion, encourages healthy hair growth and the immune system.
How to use rosemary
Essential oil: Many people love the intense aroma of rosemary essential oil and use it on the skin topically or as a powerful inhalant. It possesses powerful stimulant properties, so avoid it in case of pregnancy.
Tea infusion: You can prepare your own rosemary tea infusion at home. Simply place some fresh rosemary into a tea ball or muslin bag and allow it to infuse in a mug for about 10 minutes.
If you have a tea pot, just pour boiling water on the fresh herb and then strain off when ready. It is advisable to crush or bruise some of the leaves beforehand, so you can get a richer flavor and to release more of the oils.
God Himself Sent It To People: Antibiotic, Antioxidant, Cleans The Bloodstream, Destroys Cholesterol
Basil (lat. Ocimum basilicum) is a plant with green, oval leaves and specific aroma. It can be of 6 different species, which have distinct taste and appearance.
Basil has powerful antioxidant properties which promote a healthy diet and lifestyle, as they protection from free radicals damage, cancer, and prevent aging.
Beta-carotene is one of these antioxidants, which is turned into vitamin A in the body. It prevents the oxidation of cholesterol and protects the heart and blood vessels.
It also prevents rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, osteoarthritis, which are often the result of free radicals. Basil can offer numerous health benefits, such as:
Natural antibiotic
According to scientific research, basil boosts the immune system. It has powerful antiseptic and antibacterial properties, and thus treats various bacterial infections.
Protects the heart and blood vessels
This plant is high in vitamin B6 and magnesium. Magnesium prevents heart attacks and strengthens the cardiovascular system.
B6 prevents the accumulation of harmful ingredients, like homocysteine. Moreover, it lowers the risk of arrhythmia and provides relaxation of the muscles.
Basil in cooking
Basil is an extremely important condiment in numerous cuisines around the world. This is due to the fact that it goes well with various dishes.
However, note that you should add basil at the very end of the preparation process, in order to preserve its taste. Moreover, make sure to use it fresh, in order to obtain a stronger flavor. Therefore, it is often used in cooking.
The basil tea is extremely healthy and delicious. You should pour some hot water over some chopped basil leaves, cover the pot and leave it thus for 8 minutes. Afterward, strain it and enjoy it!
It can also be used in the preparation of ide desserts. You should chop basil and mix it with lemon juice. Then, add some water and sugar cane juice, and freeze it in ice cubes.
Then, blend the ice cubes in a blender and serve it as an ice dessert in a Mediterranean style. You can combine it with some fresh, Italian salad of tomato, mozzarella, and fresh basil.
Yet, the most popular basil dish is pesto Genovese’s. It is prepared with pine nuts, green basil sauce, and Parmesan cheese. Prepare the sauce using olive oil, garlic, and chopped basil. Serve it with rice, pasta, and brochette.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
If You Have This Plant In Your House, You Will Never See Mice, Spiders and Other Insects Again!
Insects are members of the group of arthropods, and can be of various species.
There are around 200 million of insects. Their body and specialized extremities split into parts, covered with exoskeleton which can be developed into a shell. They often have wings or antennas. Usually small in size, except for the beetles, which are larger, insects feed on plants, meat or carrion.
They play an essential role in nature, as they feed other species, and prevent them from turning into big plagues. Namely, they eliminate and decompose great percentage of the organic matter, so they are excellent pollinizers of plants which are economically and economically vital.
Yet, there is no doubt that often their occurrence in the home is quite unpleasant. As soon as one sees an insect, he panics, or screams, as none of us wants them near us or our family.
Fortunately, nature has also provided natural insect repellents, which do not contain harmful chemicals, nor affect our health, unlike commercial products. The insect repellent we are going to reveal today will also provide great smell in your home.
Its main ingredient is fresh mint, an aromatic grass of big diffusion, which leaves a refreshing odor. Despite its use in gastronomy, it also has significant medicinal properties.
Its use is very simple, as you need to put it in a spray bottle, and spray it around the house, on doors, corners, window rims, and everywhere where you have spotted insects or mice. This will keep them far away, and you will finally enjoy your fresh-smelling home!
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