Saturday, May 12, 2018

Put These 3 Ingredients in Your Coffee. After Just 2 Sips, Your Metabolism Will Be Faster Than Ever!

We all love our hot cup of coffee, especially at the beginning of the new day. Yet, not all of you are aware that its consumption also brings various health benefits.

Put These 3 Ingredients in Your Coffee. After Just 2 Sips, Your Metabolism Will Be Faster Than Ever!

It can boost your metabolism and give you more energy for the day.

Also, only a few know that you can transform your favorite morning brew into a metabolism booster and a potent fat burner! All you need to do is to add several ingredients to your coffee, and it will help you burn extra pounds without changing your diet or lifestyle!

These three mighty ingredients include:

1. Coconut oil is a real natural miracle which has a wide range of uses. It contains medium-chain fatty acids, which are immediately sent to the liver by the digestive system, and are either converted to energy or ketone bodies, and not in fat. It sets the metabolism to burn fat faster and more efficiently

The burning process of fats is significantly affected by minerals and vitamins, so honey can be of great help, as this gift of nature contains them in high amounts, and prevents any mineral or vitamin deficiencies.

2. Honey is abundant in sugar, but a natural one, which is needed for energy. Moreover, it is rich in vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, niacin, and riboflavin, as well as numerous minerals, such as iron, calcium, sodium, zinc, potassium, and phosphorus.

Honey has been scientifically confirmed to be able to lower stress and regulate blood cholesterol levels. Use raw honey only.

3. Cinnamon is an extremely beneficial, anti-inflammatory agent which fights inflammation in the body, and due to its antioxidant properties, neutralizes the damage caused by free radicals.

Cinnamon boosts the blood sugar metabolism and thus lowers blood sugar levels. It prevents the accumulation of fat in the body as it supports the conversion of sugar into energy. The best cinnamon types are Ceylon and Cassia.

Here is how to use these remarkable natural ingredients and boost your metabolism while drinking your coffee:


¾ cup of coconut oil
½  tbsp of honey
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of cocoa (optional)


Mix these ingredients together in a glass jar, and store it in the fridge.


Every morning, you should add a teaspoon or two of the mixture to your freshly brewed coffee, stir well, and drink it! Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Okra Can Treat Diabetes, Asthma, Cholesterol and Kidney Disease – Recipe

This miraculous vegetable, native to north-east Africa, can provide numerous health benefits, and can be of significant help in the treatments of kidney diseases, asthma, diabetes, and cholesterol.

Okra Can Treat Diabetes, Asthma, Cholesterol and Kidney Disease – Recipe

Okra is incredibly high in nutrients, as 1 cup has21 milligrams vitamin C, 2 grams protein, 60 mg of magnesium,  299 mg potassium, 3 grams dietary fiber, 33 calories, 7.6 grams carbohydrates, about 80 micrograms of folic acid, and 0.2 gram of fat.

You can eat the entire okra plant, but its leaves can be consumed raw in salads, or cooked in the same way you cook dandelions and beets. These are some of the most important health benefits of this amazing vegetable:

Boosts the immune system

Reduces cholesterol

Alleviates asthma

Prevents diabetes

Reduces glucose absorbed from food

Prevents kidney disease

If you suffer from some of these conditions and want to use the medicinal properties of okra, you can prepare it this way:

Cut the ends of two fresh okras, and place a few slices in a glass full of water. Leave the slices to soak thus during the night.

In the morning, 30 minutes before your breakfast, you should drink the liquid.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

She Drank This Turmeric Drink in the Morning, This is What Happened to Her Chronic Inflammation and Metabolism

Today, we will reveal the recipe of one magnificent drink that offers numerous health benefits.
It is called “Golden Milk” and should be regularly consumed in the morning. Turmeric is the main ingredient of the golden milk. The primary component of this fantastic spice, curcumin, has been found to have 150 different therapeutic properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties.

She Drank This Turmeric Drink in the Morning, This is What Happened to Her Chronic Inflammation and Metabolism

These are some of the most important health benefits of the use of turmeric:

Reduces Triglyceride levels

regulates high blood pressure.

Strengthens the immune system

Helps in the case of neurological disorders

Maintains cholesterol levels

Stimulates digestion

Regulates the metabolism and promotes weight loss

Treats various skin issues

Improves the memory and the brain function

Has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic, analgesic properties

Detoxifies the liver.

If you mix turmeric with black pepper, you will improve the bioavailability of turmeric by 1,000 times. This is a result of a substance in black pepper, called piperine, which raises the body’s absorption of turmeric by 2000%!

Golden Milk- Recipe

Turmeric Paste:


1/4 cup of turmeric powder
1/2 cup of filtered water
1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper

Method of preparation:

Place all ingredients in a small saucepan and mix them well. Place the saucepan over medium heat and stir the mixture frequently until you obtain a paste. Leave the paste to cool and then place it in a small jar. Refrigerate.

Golden Milk:


1/4 teaspoon or more of turmeric paste
Honey(to taste)
1 cup of almond milk (you can also use hemp or coconut milk)
1 teaspoon coconut oil

Method of preparation:

Add all ingredients, apart from honey, in a saucepan. Heat them over medium heat, and stir constantly. Remove it before it boils and add honey to it.

A woman from Bristol, England, had her cup of golden milk every day, and she noticed some amazing results within a month! Her chronic inflammation reduced, and she experienced an instant metabolism boost.

This is How I Stopped My Migraines in Just Five Minutes With This Unbelievable Drink

Migraines are simply unbearable headaches that cause incredible weakness and unpleasant feelings.Numerous people have started using synthetic medications like Tylenol and Advil just in the hope to soothe pain caused by migraines. Yet, these pains can be effectively and naturally cured with the use of other healthier alternatives.

This is How I Stopped My Migraines in Just Five Minutes With This Unbelievable Drink

People who suffer from migraines claim that the pounding and head-throbbing pain they experience can last for days at times. However, there are some signs which indicate a forthcoming migraine and may even prolong this painful experience, including:

. neck stiffness

. irritability

. constipation

. uncontrollable yawning

. depression

. food cravings

Migraines can also result from lack of sleep, nutrient deficiencies, stress and alcohol, as well as dehydration and some food additives.

Electrolytes are vital for the normal body function and for its proper hydration. They are minerals with positive electrical charge, and have several extremely important functions:

regulation of the muscle function
promotion of normal cardiovascular function
regulation and support of the nerve function
In addition, another essential mineral which has a vital function in the body is magnesium. Its powerful anti-inflammatory properties prevent migraines, since they are believed to be the response of the body to inflammation.

Today, we will reveal a natural and simple drink that will help you treat migraines. It has been commonly used for years, and its recipe has been passed on to new generations, which speaks about it efficacy. It consists of 3 simple ingredients:

. the juice of 1 lemon

. 2 teaspoons high- quality sea salt

. 1 cup water

When it comes to salts, it is recommended to choose Himalayan salt, which is a rich source of  essential minerals. Salts contain sodium, which is needed for a proper hydration, as they provide a regulation of the balance of fluids in the body.

Indeed, this natural remedy has not been proved by scientific research, but if we regard the fact that migraines are medically treated with IV electrolyte solution, it is enough to be sure that the salt in this mixture will effectively alleviate the unbearable migraine pain.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Never Buy Cough Syrup Again: Simple Pineapple Mixture is 5x More Effective And Fights Inflammation!

Research shows that pineapple juice can suppress coughs five times more effectively than cough syrup. These beneficial fruits contain bromelain, which is an enzyme rich in anti-inflammatory properties and fights infections and kills bacteria.

Never Buy Cough Syrup Again: Simple Pineapple Mixture is 5x More Effective And Fights Inflammation!

Moreover, only a cup of pineapple juice contains nearly 50% of the daily requirement for vitamin C intake. This amazing nutrient works to implement the use of vital enzymes within the body that regulate metabolism and energy conversion.

Plus, the juice of pineapples is a rich source of manganese, a mineral that predominately helps form healthy connective tissue and bones. Manganese works to absorb more calcium, metabolize carbohydrates and fats, and also increases regular nerve function.

Bromelain is believed to have effects outside the digestive tract, as at times, it is  absorbed by the body intact. To be more specific, bromelain is often marketed as a natural anti-inflammatory for conditions such as arthritis. It was approved for the treatment of inflammation and swelling of the nose and sinuses due to surgery or injury in Germany, so it’s undoubtedly one of the most popular supplements.

Furthermore, in case of a persistent cough, but not as serious as pneumonia, this pineapple juice can restore your health naturally, instead of cough syrup. It’s as effective, but  less expensive, contains no toxic chemicals and has the needed nutrients that will help fight a cold.

But the list of its numerous benefits does not end there. The pineapple juice can help you soothe a sore throat and aids the body to expel mucous easily. Thick and stubborn mucus in your lungs or sinuses can cause seemingly endless spasms of coughing, sneezing and painful infections.

“Der Pharma Chemica” published a study in 2010, whose aim was to discover some beneficial treatments for patients who have tuberculosis, an infectious disease often caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. As part of their study, researchers found that a mixture of raw pineapple juice, pepper, salt and honey given to patients every day helped to dissolve the mucus in the lungs.

Moreover, a subsequent study gave even more extraordinary results! Namely, researchers found that raw extracts from pineapple could decrease mucus five times faster than over-the-counter cough syrups. Patients recovered 4.8 times faster and exhibited a decrease in all symptoms related to coughing, especially hacking.

As additional sugar in our diets is not the best for our health, always seek some natural unsweetened pineapple juice, and avoid the canned versions. However, the best option is to juice the pineapple yourself, as the consumption of that kind of natural juice will bring positive effects only.

Here is the recipe of this remarkable natural juice:

Pineapple Cough Juice- Recipe

1 cup of fresh pineapple juice
1 piece of ginger (about 3 inches)
1 tablespoon raw honey
1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Method of preparation:

Mix all ingredients and your juice is ready! You should consume this juice regularly, so take 1/4 cup, 2-3 times a day.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Ancient Ginger Tea Recipe Revealed: Dissolves Kidney Stones, Cleanses Liver and Kills Cancer Cells

Ginger is considered to be one of the most powerful foods of the 21st century, due to its strong anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

Ancient Ginger Tea Recipe Revealed: Dissolves Kidney Stones, Cleanses Liver and Kills Cancer Cells

This amazing item is well known for its long history of improving digestion and immunity, relieving pain, and fighting cardiovascular diseases, asthma and many other health issues. Being rich in Vitamin C, magnesium and other minerals, ginger is extremely beneficial for your overall health.
Moreover, a cup of hot ginger tea fights the cold in winter more efficiently than any other drink. This tea is prepared extremely easy and can help you prevent and fight a lot of health issues, and even the most serious diseases.
Ginger tea recipe
¼ teaspoon of ground ginger
¼ teaspoon of ground turmeric
A cup of water
Coconut milk
Organic honey (for taste)
Method of preparation:
Boil some water, add turmeric and ginger, let it simmer for 7-10 minutes and add the milk. Strain the tea in a cup. You can add honey in order to enhance the flavor and enjoy its taste and numerous benefits!
Some of the most important health benefits of ginger tea are the following:
Ginger can relieve pain, treat sore muscles, cold, flu and headache
Due to its warming properties, ginger can improve circulation, as well as oxygen, vitamin and mineral delivery
It is an efficient remedy against the virus that causes influenza, colds and cold sores
Ginger is rich in antioxidants, so it can fight infections and enhance the immune system
Ginger tea has ability to reduce the risk of stroke.

3 Easy Drink Recipes That Clear Sinuses and Destroy Throat Inflammation Right Now

The winter season normally brings about colds and flu which seem to cause unpleasant symptoms. Fortunately, there are some secret natural remedies that help you fight colds and phlegm, and subdue the sinuses.

3 Easy Drink Recipes That Clear Sinuses and Destroy Throat Inflammation Right Now

Therefore, nest time the sniffles come on, you must try these 3 amazing recipes and restore your health!

The Raw Deal Tea


1 pinch cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground turmeric
½ teaspoon finely grated ginger
1 teaspoon lemon juice
½ tsp raw honey
½ tbsp apple cider vinegar
Add in 1 drop of colloidal silver Fin the case of extra cold-fighting powers.

Method of preparation:

Add all ingredients in a cup of boiled water and stir.


Both honey and cinnamon are antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial, which means they help destroy viral bacteria and reinforce immune response. Moreover, colloidal silver has also been shown to prevent viruses from getting worse as it is highly antibacterial and antiviral.

The Hot Pineapple Elixir


½ – 1 cup pineapple juice
1 pinch cayenne pepper
1 tsp honey
½ tablespoon apple cider vinegar

Method of preparation:

Mix all ingredients in a saucer and heat lightly to preference.

Pineapples possess anti-inflammatory properties which reduce phlegm build-up and soothe the throat. they are also abundant in vitamin C content which strengthens your immune system sand thus prevents cold symptoms.

Cayenne pepper provides the kick that warms your body up internally and fights against fevers and nausea, and honey is a natural super-healer for centuries, as it has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial powers that have made it.

Furthermore, when your body’s in an alkaline state, viral bacteria can’t survive, and apple cider vinegar helps alkalinize your body.

The Wellness Monster


1 dash of turmeric powder
1-inch piece of ginger
1-2 dashes of cayenne pepper
1 lemon
1 drop of mint extract
1-2 drops stevia (optionally)

Method of preparation:

Juice or blend the lemon and ginger, and add the turmeric, mint and cayenne pepper. Stir and add enough hot water to double the size of the mixture.


Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin which has strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that break up chest congestion and deter coughs.

Ginger also breaks up the mucus in the lungs, while soothing sinus-related aches and sore throats.

Lemon is used to detoxify, provide the cold- fighting stores of vitamin C and bulk up your immune system.

The menthol component of mint is a natural decongestant that plows through phlegm and nasal decongestion.