Monday, January 14, 2019

Ginger Tea: Dissolves Kidneys Stones, Cleanses Liver And Reduce Joint Pain – Recipe

Ginger Tea: Dissolves Kidneys Stones, Cleanses Liver And Reduce Joint Pain – Recipe

People have recognized and valued the amazing properties of ginger for centuries.  It is a rich source of numerous nutrients and offers powerful antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory effects.

According to Rachael Link, MS, RD:

“As one of the most used dietary condiments in the world today, it’s no wonder that the benefits of ginger are pretty impressive. With its zesty, peppery flavor and its extensive list of health benefits, ginger root is equal parts delicious and nutritious. It’s versatile, easy to use and has been associated with everything from beating motion sickness to better brain function.

The health benefits of ginger are largely due to its antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and content of therapeutic compounds like gingerol, shogaol, paradol, and zingerone.

Available in fresh, dried, ground, capsule and juice form, ginger root is easy to add to the diet and can have a lasting impact on just about every aspect of health.”

It is one of the richest vitamin C sources, and it is also in magnesium and other minerals, so it fortifies the immune system, helps digestion, relieves pain, cleanses the liver, and treats asthma and cardiovascular diseases.

Ginger tea is one of the best ways to reap all these benefits, and its regular consumption will:

Strengthen the Immune System –It is abundant in antioxidants and thus strengthens the immune system.

Fight Inflammation – The strong anti-inflammatory properties relieve muscle and joint pain.

Improve Blood Circulation –It prevents clogging of the arteries, boosts blood circulation, and lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Relieve Nausea – It is one of the best ways to treat nausea, vomiting, and motion sickness.

Fight Respiratory Problems – it relieves congestion and treats environmental allergies.

Improve Stomach Performance –Ginger tea helps digestion, helps the absorption of food, and prevents bloating

Relieve Stress – Its healing powers relieve stress and reduce tension.

Relieve Menstrual Discomfort – It relaxes the muscles, and thus soothes menstrual cramps

Moreover, its regular intake will lower the risk of strokes, cleanse the liver, relieve headaches, prevent cancer, and dissolve kidney stones.

Here is how to prepare it:


- 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger

- 1/4 teaspoon of ground turmeric

- 1 cup of water

- Coconut milk

- Organic honey


Heat the water, and as soon as it starts to boil, add the ginger and turmeric. Leave to simmer for 10 minutes, and the coconut milk, and strain. Sweeten with honey, and enjoy it!

How Lemon Juice With Himalayan Salt Can Stop Migraines Within Minutes

How Lemon Juice With Himalayan Salt Can Stop Migraines Within Minutes

Migraines cause intense and debilitating pain and are often a result of a deficiency of a certain mineral in the body.  They are common in the case of dehydration of the body, as well as after the consumption of certain foods too.

We do not need to feel thirsty in order to realize that our body is dehydrated, as thirst is actually a sign that the cells are already dehydrated, and it develops when the body fluids are depleted well below levels required for optimal functioning.

In order to check if you are dehydrated, you should monitor your urine. A hydrated body produces colorless, clear urine, while a dehydrated one produces yellow urine. Moreover, you are severely dehydrated if your urine is orange or dark-colored.

Mild dehydration causes dry skin, fatigue, poor coordination, blood pressure changes, decreased urine output, dry mucous membranes in the mouth and nose, and impairment of judgment.

On the other hand, the symptoms of UCD (Unintentional Chronic Dehydration) include asthma, allergies, migraines, headaches, stress, back pain, high blood pressure, and many degenerative health problems.

If you suffer from a migraine, before you turn to painkillers, you should definitely try the following trick.

What’s more, it is extremely simple, as you will only need:

- ¼ teaspoons of Himalayan Pink Salt or Celtic Sea Salt

 - 2 tablespoons of lemon juice

- A glass of water (about 8oz or 250ml)

- 1 teaspoon of raw honey (optional)


Add the lemon juice and the salt in the water, and stir well to dissolve them.

You can sweeten with honey.  Drink the remedy immediately, and follow with another glass of pure drinking water.  You should drink a glass of water every 10 minutes in the following half an hour, and your migraine will be gone!

Although salt retains water, Himalayan salt or Celtic sea salt rehydrate the cells, as they are rich in electrolytes, minerals, and nutrients. They will energize the body, boost immunity, alkalize the body and improve mood.

Also, you should drink freshly-extracted juices that are high in potassium can help to fix this imbalance. Fruit and vegetable juices are rich in this mineral, potassium.

Lemon juice is among the best natural migraine cures. Juice it unpeeled, as the peel is high in flavonoids and essential oils that will super-boost the absorption of nutrients. It will also fight acidity and drastically improve the absorption of the minerals from the salt.

This remedy works like magic! Try it out and you will be surprised by its instant effects!

Moreover, essential oils can be of great help in your fight against a migraine as well. They are natural painkillers, boost blood flow, balance hormones, soothe muscular tension, and lower stress or anxiety. You can apply a few drops of the oil to a heated towel and place it on the painful side of the head.

According to Jillian Levy, CHHC, these are the most effective essential oils you can use to relieve migraine symptoms:

“Peppermint: Reduces pain and inflammation. It works by having a natural cooling effect on the skin, inhibiting muscle contractions and stimulating blood flow around the head when applied topically.

Lavender: Soothes stress and anxiety. Can improve sleep quality, decrease muscular tension, and has natural antidepressant and sedative qualities.

Eucalyptus: Improves blood flow, is uplifting, helps cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances, and reduces high blood pressure and pain.

Frankincense: Lowers inflammation and has numerous benefits for improving overall immune function, anxiety and hormonal balance.

Rosemary: Reduces pain through regulating blood flow, helps decrease withdrawal symptoms of caffeine or medications, aids digestion, and soothes an upset stomach.”

Homemade Turmeric & Ginger Iced Tea for Your Heart, Brain, and Cells

Homemade Turmeric & Ginger Iced Tea for Your Heart, Brain, and Cells

Dehydration can lead to numerous health issues, and our body requires an adequate intake of water in order to function normally.

According to WebMD:

“Dehydration happens when your body doesn’t have as much water as it needs. Without enough, your body can’t function properly. You can have mild, moderate, or severe dehydration depending on how much fluid is missing from your body. “

Also, according to Jillian Levy, CHHC:

“There’s a lot more to dehydration than simply feeling very thirsty. Signs of dehydration can also include spasms, tension in your neck or jaw, constipation, vomiting, and heart problems.

Many people who experience symptoms like trouble concentrating or lingering muscle pains have no idea that they’re really suffering from preventable dehydration symptoms.

Research is now showing how much dehydration can impact overall moods and cognitive functions, contributing to impairments in vision, perceptive discrimination, tracking, recall, attention, psychomotor skills and memory. “

Today, we decided to share the recipe of a delicious iced tea that will hydrate the body and thus improve overall health. Despite water, it also contains turmeric, honey, and ginger.

Turmeric is one of the healthiest foods on Earth, with the potential to prevent and treat various diseases. Its active ingredient, curcumin, improves brain health and the function of the endothelium, which is the lining of the blood vessels, regulates blood pressure and clotting, lowers the risk of dementia, stroke, and Alzheimer’s, and offers countless other health benefits.

Also, honey is rich in antioxidants, so it offers a myriad of health benefits. It prevents cellular damage and brain cell loss, strengthens the immune system, treats infections, regulates hormones, and does much more for our overall health.

Ginger offers powerful medicinal properties due to the presence of gingerols, that boost heart health, lower cholesterol levels, and prevent the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol, and atherosclerosis.

Also, it boosts the levels of important neurotransmitters in the body, and thus improves the ability to remember, sleep, focus, and concentrate. The addition of black pepper makes these ingredients more readily accessible for use in the various systems in the body.

Now, here is how to prepare this tasty turmeric and ginger iced tea:


- 4 tsp dried organic turmeric

- ¼ cup honey

- 4 tsp dried ginger

- ¾ tsp black pepper

- 1 cup of water


Mix turmeric, ginger, and black pepper in a small saucepan pour a cup of water and boil the mixture. Then, lower the heat to simmer for a few minutes, remove from heat, and add honey. Cover, leave to steep for an hour or overnight, and strain the tea using cheesecloth before use.

Store it in the refrigerator in a quart sized jar, and drink it during the day.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Mix Bananas, Honey, and Water: Cough and Bronchitis Will Disappear

Mix Bananas, Honey, and Water: Cough and Bronchitis Will Disappear

During the winter season, colds and coughs are always there to remind us of our frailty.  Additionally, coughs can be a result of smoking, air pollution, second-hand smoking, and old age.

They is a way for the body to clean up the respiratory system and indicate an infection such as bronchitis, or some other issue in the body.

According to the Mayo Clinic:

“A cough is considered “acute” if it lasts less than three weeks. It is considered “chronic” if it lasts longer than eight weeks (four weeks in children).

Some causes of coughs include:

Common causes  of acute coughs :

- Common cold

- Influenza (flu)

- Inhaling an irritant

- Pneumonia

- A whooping cough

Common causes of chronic coughs:

- Allergies

- Asthma (most common in children)

- Bronchitis

- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

- Postnasal drip”

Moreover, “although the causes are varied, the reason you cough is to help your body get rid of foreign material or mucus from your lungs and upper airway passages. It’s one of your body’s protective mechanisms designed to keep you breathing easy. Sometimes, it’s easy to determine why you’re coughing but it can also be a mystery.

By paying attention to the details – the sound of your cough, for instance, along with accompanying symptoms – you can often identify the cause, which is important for getting on the road to recovery. Following are seven common reasons for a cough, and what to do about them.”- says Dr.Mercola.

Out first reaction to a cough is a visit to the pharmacy, where we buy a cough syrup and believe that it is the best way to soothe it. However, it is not the case apparently, as researchers have found that they are rarely effective.

Fortunately, the versatile natural medicine is here to help again!

Homemade Banana Cough Cream


- 2 ripe organic bananas

- 2 tablespoons of raw organic honey

- 400 milliliters of water


In a bowl, mash the bananas using a wooden spoon, boil the water, and add it to the bowl. Leave it aside to cool for half an hour, covered.

Then, add honey, stir, take 100 ml of it 4 times daily. Before consumption, you can heat it a bit.

Despite relieving the cough and the accompanying symptoms, bananas will boost your serotonin levels, and help you to easily fall asleep.

Turmeric and Honey: The Most Powerful Antibiotic That not even Doctors Can Explain

Turmeric and Honey: The Most Powerful Antibiotic That not even Doctors Can Explain

While conventional antibiotics are extremely overused, natural remedies such as honey and turmeric are highly beneficial and improve health in numerous ways.

Honey effectively fights infections without causing resistant bacteria, unlike conventional antibiotics. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, found that honey destroyed every bacteria or pathogen they tested it on. Researchers found that it can be applied topically and taken internally.

According to Dr.Dee Carter:

“Our research is the first to clearly show that these honey-based products could in many cases replace antibiotic creams on wounds and equipment such as catheters. Using honey as an intermediate treatment could also prolong the life of antibiotics.”

On the other hand, turmeric is another natural miracle with a myriad of health benefits. Its most important compounds are called curcuminoids, and it has powerful healing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

The combination of these two is the most powerful antibiotic we can use. It is also known as Golden Honey and has been commonly used in Ayurveda medicine for thousands of years. Recently, its use has grown exponentially in Western medicine and nutrition.

According to BenefitsOfHoney, this combination is “an invaluable natural remedy for a myriad of ailments and diseases including indigestion, cold, flu, asthma, hypertension, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, arthritis, diabetes, heart diseases, depression and anxiety, inflammation of wounds and burns, eczema, psoriasis and acne, and aging(protects the liver and kidneys). “

Moreover, TurmericForHealth adds:

“A study has shown that an Ayurvedic medicine containing turmeric and honey as two of the active ingredients stimulated the production and functionality of immune cells and thus, could result in improved immunity against diseases.

Combining turmeric with honey enhances its anti-microbial activity. They can together act against a variety of bacterial and fungal strains known to cause infections in humans.”


“Turmeric, along with honey can improve skin hydration and elasticity and contribute to a better skin health. Turmeric and honey are useful in treating oral mucositis which occurs as a complication of cancer treatments.”

Here is how to prepare it:

Turmeric Infused Honey


- 1 teaspoon ground turmeric(of therapeutic quality )
- ¼ cup raw honey
- 2 drops lemon essential oil (optional)


Mix the ingredients, stir well, and cover. Store the mixture at room temperature, and stir it before each use. To fight the flu or a cold, take half a teaspoon of the mixture, several times daily.