Saturday, May 20, 2017

How to Improve Kidney Function Naturally Using 6 Ancient Herbs

Kidney Function

From time to time, most of us have had a shock from that “first look in the mirror” morning view. Perhaps it is a feeling of bloating, with or without the puffy eyes that gets our attention. For most of us, these are not symptoms of a serious nature. There are many causes for occasional water retention such as PMS, stress, high sodium intake, over indulgence, etc.

4 Major Heart Attack Red Flags You Need To Know


The heart attacks, contrary to the popular opinion, aren’t usually heralded by classic and obvious signs like where a person clutches at her/his heart dramatically with severe chest pain.

Monday, May 15, 2017

How To Kill Sinus Infection Within Minutes With Apple Cider Vinegar

Sinus Infection

Apple cider vinegar has a myriad of uses inside and outside the kitchen. This common ingredient provides numerous health benefits, including relief in the case of persistent and frustrating sinus infections.Sinus infections are often a result of specific virus type, and they might remain even though their symptoms are treated. Such an inflammation of the lining of the sinuses causes pain, headaches, and fevers.