Monday, November 21, 2016

Diabetes is an incurable and severe condition which destroys numerous lives annually. Despite being a threat to the life of the patient, it also causes numerous severe accompanying symptoms.

When You Mix These 2 Ingredients They Become the Best Cure for Diabetes!
Yet, there are ways to control it and maintain it in a normal range and relieve the unpleasant symptoms, in order the patient to continue functioning normally.

This combines the effects of the proper diabetes medicines, traditional medicine remedies, and the consumption of healthy foods. However, we will also reveal the recipe of an extremely effective natural remedy for diabetes:


Freshly squeezed juice of 6 lemons
300 grams of celery root

Method of preparation:

Initially, wash the celery root and place it in an enamel pot. Then, add the lemon juice, and close the pot.
Then, put this pot into a larger pot, filled with water. Heat the pot until the water boils, and then, lower the heat and leave the pot to simmer for 2 hours on a very low temperature.  After this time, remove the pots from fire, and leave them to cool, but without opening the smaller pot.When they are cool, pour the medicine into a suitable jar, close it, and store it in the fridge.


You should drink a tablespoon of this remedy every morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before your breakfast.The prepared amount is enough for a couple f months. Afterward, your blood sugar levels will be normalized.

Here’s Why You Should Start Drinking Ginger Tea Every Day And How To Prepare It In The Right Way!

Numerous people have switched from coffee to green tea these days, but we will suggest another extremely healthy alternative which should become a part of your daily routine- ginger tea.

Here’s Why You Should Start Drinking Ginger Tea Every Day And How To Prepare It In The Right Way!
This amazing drink provides numerous health benefits, including:

It boosts the immune system
It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and contains numerous anti-inflammatory compounds which prevent various health issues, such as muscle and joint pain due to inflammation
Improves blood circulation
It enhances the brain performance

It helps digestion, and the absorption of nutrients while preventing issues like diarrhea, constipation, cramps, vomiting, nausea, and damage to the gastrointestinal tract
Ginger has two active substances, gingerdiols, and gingerols, which have potent antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties
It boosts memory

The regular consumption of ginger prevents inflammation, apoptosis, and oxidative stress
Ginger is especially beneficial for middle-aged women
Numerous studies have shown that ginger inhibits the metastasis and growth of cancer cells, especially in the case of skin, liver, lung, pancreatic, bladder, and prostate cancer
Ginger supports a proper blood circulation and treats the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, such as high cholesterol levels and hypertension; it also eliminates arterial plaque and thus protects from heart attacks
Due to all these amazing advantages of the use of the ginger tea, here is how to prepare it:


4-6 slices of raw ginger
Organic honey
A cup of water


In a small ceramic saucepan, pour the water and bring it to boiling. Then, add the ginger slices, and lower the heat. Boil for about 15 minutes and remove the saucepan from heat. Pour the tea into a cup, add a teaspoon of honey, and enjoy this delicious drink that will provide incredible health benefits!

Treat Diabetes, Cholesterol And Kidney Diseases With Okra Water- Now You Can Make It Yourself

Okra, or otherwise known as the “lady`s fingers” is a popular plant which offers amazing health benefits.

Treat Diabetes, Cholesterol And Kidney Diseases With Okra Water- Now You Can Make It Yourself
The pronunciation of the name differs in numerous parts of the world, and while it is known as “okra” in the Uk, the USA, and the Philippines, it is pronounced as “okro” in Nigeria and on the Caribbean.

This fantastic plant is incredibly nutrient- rich. A glass of fresh okra has 2 grams of proteins, 21 milligrams of vitamin C, 30 calories, 80 micrograms of folate, 60 milligrams of magnesium, 3 grams of dietary fiber, 0.1 grams of fat,and 7.6 grams of carbohydrates.This plant can be used consumed throughout the entire year, in various ways, fried, boiled, stewed, or pickled.

Its consumption offers multiple health benefits, including:

Reduces cholesterol levels
Prevents diabetes
Reduces the glucose levels consumed by food via the gastrointestinal tract
Relieves asthma symptoms
Prevents kidney diseases
We will present the recipe of okra water, a drink which will help you naturally balance your blood sugar levels:


4 raw okras
A cup of water

You should cut the heads and tails of the okras and place them into the water. Leave them thus during the night.


You should consume this drink on an empty stomach every morning, 30 minutes before your breakfast. The quick effects will surprise you!

Take The 3 Juice Colon Cleanse And Flush Pounds Of Toxins From Your Body

Many people suffer from digestive issueS, like hemorrhoids, celiac disease, IBS, anal fissure, chronic constipation, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, etc.

The colon, or the large intestine, is an extremely important body organ as its role is to discard the waste from the system, so its proper function is vital.
Take The 3 Juice Colon Cleanse And Flush Pounds Of Toxins From Your Body
Therefore, cleansing it will help digestion, and reduce pain and discomfort.  These benefits can be obtained by conducting a homemade colon cleanse treatment, which will detoxify the entire body.

Yet, make sure you remain at home during the treatment. It contains natural ingredients only, and it will treat constipation, and get rid of the toxins and waste accumulated in the body.The remedy contains ginger, sea salt, lemon, and apples, all of which are high in nutrients which support the general health.

Studies have shown that the consumption of only an apple daily strengthens health. On the other hand, lemons are extremely helpful for detoxification and are abundant in vitamin C, which is a potent antioxidant.
Sea salt helps digestion and stimulates the transport of waste and toxins throughout the body, while ginger reduces bloating and supports the colon function.

Here is how to prepare it:


½ cup of pure apple juice
2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 teaspoon of ginger juice
½ teaspoon of sea salt
½ cup of lukewarm filtered water
Method of preparation:

Pour 3.5 oz. of filtered water in a pan and warm it up, bit remove it from heat before it boils. Then, add the sea salt, stir, and then add the juices, the lemon juice, ginger juice, and apple juice. Stir well once more. It should not be extremely hot as you should drink it right after preparation.

Dose and consumption:

-Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, as soon as you wake up.
-Drink another glass before your lunch
-You should consume it in the evening as well, around 6-7 pm.
The daily dose is 8 glasses, and it has no side-effects.

Yet, do not do this colon cleanse, or at least consult your doctor prior to doing it, if you are pregnant, have diabetes, or if you have some kind of allergy.This treatment should last for one day, but if you want, you can repeat it after a week. The results are immediate, the body is free of toxins and the digestion is dramatically improved.

For All Smokers and Ex-Smokers: This Drink Will Cleanse Your Toxic Lungs!

As reported by the CDC, smoking is a seriously detrimental habit which harms the entire body and almost all body organs, causing disability and disease.

For All Smokers and Ex-Smokers: This Drink Will Cleanse Your Toxic Lungs!
Moreover, the CDC states that it is the major cause of preventable death.
Over 16 million people in the United States suffer from some health issue caused by smoking, and for each individual who dies due to this harmful habit, minimum 30 people live with a severe smoking-related illness.

Smoking may cause various diseases, including diabetes, stroke, cancer, heart disease, lung diseases, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis.It may significantly raise the risk of eye diseases, tuberculosis, and immune system issues, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, it leads to erectile dysfunction in males.

Therefore, being able to cleanse the lungs and eliminate all toxins means that you can prevent all these serious health problems, regardless whether you are a smoker or nonsmoker.We will reveal the recipe of an amazing natural juice which includes only 3 common ingredients, and will provide multiple benefits.


The first ingredient is this miraculous spice, or also known as Indian saffron. It is high in minerals, vitamins, and omega 3 fatty acids. It has potent anticancer, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.


Both, onion and garlic, have powerful anti-cancer properties which are extremely effective in preventing malignant conditions. Onions are also very useful in avoiding all kinds of respiratory diseases.


Ginger has been popular and widely used since ancient times, as it has numerous health benefits, including its ability to get rid of the excessive amounts of mucus accumulated in the lungs.

This is how to prepare the drink:


2 tablespoons turmeric
400 grams of onion
Thumb-sized ginger root
400 grams of sugar (or honey or maple syrup)
1 liter of water
Method of preparation:

You should pour the water into a pot and add the sugar. Heat it and let it boil. Slice the onion into quarters. Next, slice the ginger root, and add them both to the water. Let it boil again, then add the turmeric, and lower the heat.

Leave the mixture to boil until its amount is lowered by half, strain it, and pour it into a glass jar. Leave it to cool down.Store the mixture in the fridge.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Cure Your Strep Throat In Just One Day Without Taking Any Antibiotics!

Strep throat is caused by the Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria and is more common in children. Its most frequent symptoms are a pain in the throat and inflammation.

Cure Your Strep Throat In Just One Day Without Taking Any Antibiotics!
It is usually treated with antibiotics, but we will suggest several natural remedies which can help you treat the inflamed and painful throat and fight bacteria in a simple and fast way!


Honey has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which effectively treat inflammation, infections, and pain. It also quickly fights bacteria, so it will provide an almost instant relief.

Vitamin C- Lemon

Lemons are abundant in vitamin C, which has potent antibacterial qualities, which will treat the infection and soothe the throat pain. You should prepare a tea with some lemon juice and honey.

Essential Oils

Essential oils can provide amazing benefits in the case of strep throat. You can use lemon, grapefruit,  lemongrass, thyme, lavender, or cinnamon essential oil. Prepare the following remedy:

-Add five drops of some of the essential oils listed above in some water. Pour this mixture into a pan and heat it. Then, use the steam from the solution for inhalation for about 10-15 minutes. Repeat as many times as needed during the day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most effective natural remedies for infections. You should mix 3 tablespoons of it with 8oz of warm water. Use this solution to gargle, and you will feel the improvements very soon.

Cayenne Pepper

Mix a teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder with half a cup of coconut or olive oil to treat strep throat. The application of this mixture on the area of the throat will also relax the tensed muscles and treat the infection.
Hence, you no longer need to use antibiotics to relieve the strep throat: Instead, choose som of these homemade remedies and solve your problem in an easy and natural way!

Canker Sores In The Mouth: Here Is How To Naturally Get Rid Of Them In Just One Day Without Using Any Medicine

One of the most common oral health issues is a canker sore or an aphthous ulcer. They can appear in all areas of the oral cavity, on or under the tongue, on the base of the gums, on the inside of your lips and cheeks, and cause great pain.
Canker Sores In The Mouth: Here Is How To Naturally Get Rid Of Them In Just One Day Without Using Any Medicine

However, this pain does not start in its full intensity as soon as the canker sore appears, but it culminates after a few days. Therefore, if you know the right remedy, you have enough time to prevent its peak.
Luckily, there is an incredibly effective remedy which quickly treats this common issue, in a completely natural way- salt.

All you need to do is to add a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, and swish the salt water around the mouth for a couple of minutes, and spit it out. This will absorb the fluid from the tissues and dramatically accelerate the healing process. Note that you should repeat this several times during the day.
In this way, your canker sore will be gone in a day!

We will also suggest several other effective natural remedies for canker sores:

Baking Soda

Baking soda neutralizes the acidity and relieves the pain and inflammation caused by canker sores. You should add some water to a teaspoon of it to prepare a paste, and apply it on the affected area. After a few minutes, rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat 3-4 times during the day.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and curative properties which will speed up the healing process and soothe the inflammation and pain.  Just extract the gel from a fresh aloe Vera leaf and apply it directly on the canker sore 3-4 times a day.


Honey also has strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Just apply some honey around the canker sore several times daily. Initially, it will cause some pain, but it will be gone in a few minutes.


This beneficial herb effectively treats canker sores and provides instant relief. You should add 3 teaspoons of sage leaves to 2 cups of boiling water, set it aside for 10-15 minutes to cool and then use it to rinse your mouth.


The powerful anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal properties of the coriander will help you reduce the pain and discomfort. All you need to do is to boil a handful of coriander leaves in a glass of water, strain and leave it to cool. Use this remedy to gargle at least 3-4 times a day.

Say Goodbye To Varicose Veins Naturally

Varicose veins are enlarged, weakened, and visible veins under the skin surface, usually in a dark purple or blue color.

Say Goodbye To Varicose Veins Naturally
It is often caused by various different factors, like genetics, obesity, pregnancy, age, prolonged standing, or straining.When varicose veins appear, they are usually treated with compression techniques, such as the use of compression stockings, but as the symptoms aggravate, they cause other heath issues, including swellings, feeling of heaviness in the legs, and painful inflammation.

Varicose veins are also manifested with dilated capillaries on the skin surface and spider veins, which worsen the condition even more.Yet, what you surely didn’t know is the fact that garlic is one of the most effective natural remedies for the treatment of varicose veins and inflammation. It effectively stimulates blood flow, and breaks down and helps the removal of toxins as waste from the body.

Hence, if you regularly consume this amazing vegetable or take garlic supplements, you will experience major long-term improvements.Furthermore, you can apply garlic directly on the affected areas for even faster effects. This is how to prepare the popular natural remedy with garlic, which is often used in the Ayurvedic medicine, and treat varicose veins:


Garlic cloves, finely grated
A tablespoon of olive oil
Half a glass of orange juice
Method of preparation:

You should combine all the ingredients, and leave the mixture to stay aside for 12 hours before use.


Apply it on the affected areas with circular motions, until it is absorbed into the skin. Then, wrap the area with a warm towel or bandage, and leave it for 50 minutes.

Remove Fibroma Or Warts From The Skin Very Easily!

The human papilloma virus can be of over 60 types, and some of them cause infections of the upper layer of the skin, known as warts.
Remove Fibroma Or Warts From The Skin Very Easily!

In fact, it attacks the skin through small scratches, leading to rapid cell growth, and eventually causing warts.

In most cases, warts appear on the fingers and hands, but they can also be found on the abdomen, under the breasts, on the neck, on the eyelids, armpits, and in the groin. They are in the same color as the skin or a bit brighter. Warts are not a serious health issue, but people prefer to remove them, due to their unpleasant appearance.Middle aged people are the most prone to warts, and their size increases with age. The major factors for the development of warts are obesity and genetics.

In the case of warts on the skin, you should visit a dermatologist to diagnose fibroma and suggest a proper treatment.If the fibroma is small, dermatologists suggest either operation or laser, after which the patient should keep clean and use antibiotics for 5 days.

Yet, we will suggest an incredibly effective natural treatment which will remove fibroma and warts in a quick and painless way. Due to its potent medicinal properties, apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries in all kinds of treatments, including fibroma removal.

This is how to use apple cider vinegar and get rid of fibroma:

Initially clean the area around the fibroma well with an ordinary soap.
Dip the fibroma in water for 15 minutes, or rub it with a toothbrush. Then, dry it, and apply a cotton ball soaked in vinegar on the area. Secure it with a plaster. Leave it for 15 minutes, and afterward, wash it off with water.Repeat this three times daily until the wart becomes darker and falls off.
After it falls off, it will probably leave a scar. Yet, you can apply aloe Vera gel to treat it. Use it even if the scar is not too deep in the skin.

Suffering From Diabetes? Just Boil These Leaves And Solve Your Problem Without Medications!

Nowadays, multiple people suffer from diabetes around the world. This common condition occurs when the production of insulin by the pancreas is stopped, or when the ability of the body to produce insulin is somehow inhibited.

Suffering From Diabetes? Just Boil These Leaves And Solve Your Problem Without Medications!

These are the most common symptoms of diabetes:

feeling very thirsty
Frequent need for urinating, especially at night
Constant fatigue
blurred vision
itching around the area of the penis or vagina
cuts or wounds that heal very slowly
loss of weight without no particular reason
This disease leads to numerous other health issues, like weakness, heart disease, poor vision, kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage, erectile dysfunction (in men) etc.

Diabetes can be of three types: Diabetes 1, Diabetes 2, and Gestational diabetes.
The first one is also known as juvenile diabetes and occurs in cases when the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the pancreas’ beta cells that are responsible for the production of insulin.

Diabetes 2 is known as adult-onset diabetes and occurs when the body cannot use the produced insulin properly, or does not produce sufficient amounts of it.Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy, particularly in the second trimester.Fortunately, there are various natural remedies which can effectively regulate blood sugar levels, but we are going to suggest the most efficient and easiest way. What’s more, you need only mango leaves to prepare it.

This is what to do:

You should add 10-15 tender mango leaves into a bowl with water, and boil them. Then, leave them during the night thus, and strain the mixture the next morning.


Drink this water on an empty stomach, for 2-3 months every day.
Also, you can dry these leaves in a dark place, and then ground them. You should use ½ a teaspoon of the powder twice a day.Mango leaves are especially beneficial for your health, as they are high in various minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants. Therefore, they can effective treat various health conditions, including colds, asthma, fever, insomnia, diarrhea, varicose veins, and bronchitis. Furthermore, mango leaves strengthen the blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

Mix Bananas, Honey and Water: Cough and Bronchitis Will Disappear

Treating chronic cough and bronchitis has always been a challenge even for conventional medicine…well, up until now.

Mix Bananas, Honey and Water: Cough and Bronchitis Will Disappear
This new natural remedy contains some of the oldest and most powerful ingredients that soothe the throat and lungs and cure coughing and bronchitis in no time!

Thanks to the mighty properties of honey and bananas, which are included in the recipe, you can use this remedy for both children and adults and enjoy its flavor as well!Anything from sore throat, bad cough and even stomach problems can be treated with this drink.

Here is how to prepare it:


400 ml boiling water
2 medium ripe bananas with dots
2 tablespoons of honey

First, peel the bananas and puree them with a wooden fork or spoon. Do not use metal cutlery, since the bananas tend to darken when in contact with metal.Next, place bananas in pot and add boiled water to them. Let mixture steep for 30 minutes.

Finally, when the remedy is cooled off, add honey. You can strain mix if you prefer it transparent. It is important to add the honey last, so it doesn’t lose its important properties over to the boiling water.


Drink 100ml of this remedy 4 times a day (total of 400ml per day).
This amount is sufficient for one day and you can prepare a fresh one the following morning.
First results come in 5 days.
Appreciate nature more and always turn to it for more beneficial remedies!

Man Overcomes Diabetes Without Medicine!

A man who was diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension in 2011 made a revolutionary change of his state and fought the diseases!

Man Overcomes Diabetes Without Medicine!
His diagnosis meant that he had to take insulin and high blood pressure pills to treat his issues, but he rejected such a treatment and decided to naturally cure himself.He started consuming raw vegetables and fruits and restored his health!

Namely, 4 and a half years ago, he felt constant thirst and decided to check his condition at his doctor. The doctor informed him that the levels of sugar were increased up to 29.0 mmol/L , and his pancreas stopped working. Therefore, he told him that the use of insulin was inevitable.Initially, the man started taking insulin on a daily basis and became physically active, but yet, his condition aggravated with time. His triglyceride levels were 16 and his blood pressure raised up to 150/100, so the numerous medications he used additionally damaged his body.

Therefore, on New Year’s Eve in 2013, he decided to try another way to treat his illness.

He saw an episode of the show “The Edge of Science” and listened to the words of the guest, Dr. John Zirdum, who stated that consumed only raw foods for 12 years. This was the turning point, and he decided to buy a blender and start a completely new life.He found it hard during the first week, as he couldn’t easily resist the temptation to try other foods, but he was determined to continue, and he managed to drop his blood sugar level to 5.0 mmol/L!

He no longer needed to use insulin! He continued to do the regular checkups and also kept the therapy as a backup plan if anything bad happened. He started losing weight and his condition stabilized. In only 25 days, he lost 22 pounds.In the next three months, he became a completely new person. His blood pressure was 120/60, he no longer used insulin, the triglycerides level as reduced to 1.4 and lost over 40 pounds. What’s best about it all was that he used absolutely no medicines!

As this became his new lifestyle, he experimented with various recipes of juices and smoothies. This was his favorite one:


2 bananas
5 kiwis
2 apples
A handful of kale
½ l  of water

You should add all ingredients into your blender and blend them all well.


Drink half a liter of this juice on an empty stomach every morning, and consume the rest during the day.
Whenever you feel hungry, have some fruit, fruit salads, or a tuna salad, which is high in vitamin B12. This will keep you full as your brain will feel that your stomach is not empty. It will also receive information that the blood has all the needed nutrients.This healthy regime will provide impressive health benefits!

Use The Leaves Of This Plant To Help You Against Wrinkles, Acne, Dark Spots And Sun Allergies

Today, we will reveal the recipe of an extremely effective homemade cream of lemon (apple cider vinegar) and parsley leaves, which will whiten the skin, treat freckles, acne, and dark spots, and support the health of the skin.

Use The Leaves Of This Plant To Help You Against Wrinkles, Acne, Dark Spots And Sun Allergies
Parsley is high in minerals and vitamins, and its juice is abundant in essential oils which are rich in manganese and potassium. Therefore, it can be of great help in the treatment of fatigue, urinal tract illnesses, fever, renal illness, diabetes, and inflammation of the eyes.It has potent regenerative and whitening properties which are often used in cosmetics. It refreshes and whitens the skin, treats redness, distension, eliminates blackheads and acne, and provides a healthy tone.

This is how to prepare this effective natural lotion:


2 tablespoons of chopped parsley leaves
1 teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
200 ml of water
Method of preparation:

Boil the water, and add the parsley leaves, leave them to simmer for 15 minutes. Then, remove them from the heat and leave to cool down. As soon as the mixture is cool, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, and pour it into a glass container. Store it in the fridge.


You should apply this lotion twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
It will cleanse and whiten the skin and close the pores. Moreover, it will remove the dark spots, freckles, and acne, and provide a clear and radiant skin tone.
In only a month, you will notice impressive effects!