Saturday, February 17, 2018

This Three-Ingredients Juice Prevents Cancer, Treats Kidney Problems And Other Diseases

One of the three ingredients you need is also available in winter, which makes it great for the treatment of colds and flu.
This Three-Ingredients Juice Prevents Cancer, Treats Kidney Problems And Other Diseases

Beet has strong anticancer properties, it is packed with carotenoids and folic acid. It is a root vegetable high in antioxidants that protect against free radicals, premature aging and diseases.
It is even more powerful when combined with carrots and apples. All you need to do is juice one beetroot, two carrots and an apple.
Blend the beetroot and put it in a glass. Leave it for an hour in the fridge, then add carrot and apple juice. Drink the juice half an hour before your breakfast.
What you should remember is not to combine all the juices at once. First make the beetroot juice, as it has to stay in the fridge for an hour to lose some of its harmful substances. If you skip this step, you may experience nausea, dizziness and vomiting. These substances lose their properties in contact with oxygen.
This juice will help you strengthen your immune system, prevent cancer and kidney diseases, and heal ulcers. It removes toxins from the body, relieves menstrual pain, builds up low blood count and eliminates fatty deposits from the blood vessels.

Miraculous Drink That Cures All Diseases

Nature offers a great number of healthy foods, but fruits and vegetables are your best allies when it comes to maintaining your overall health. However, many people still prefer processed foods over healthy and all-natural diet.

Miraculous Drink That Cures All Diseases

We strongly recommend this recipe, as it is super-easy to make, and with the help of a few organic fruits and vegetables you will significantly improve your health.
Now is the best time to change your dietary habits, so you better go to your kitchen and make yourself some nice and healthy juice.
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 potato
  • 1 apple
Clean all the ingredients and cut them into small chunks. Juice your fruits and vegetables, and always drink your juice freshly prepared. Optionally, add some lemon juice to make your drink taste a bit fresher.
Drink this juice in the morning, before eating or drinking anything, or preferably an hour after your breakfast. For optimal results drink it twice a day.
The Health Benefits of This Amazing Drink
  1. This drink is an excellent detoxifier, it stimulates the function of the intestine and relieves constipation. It also hinders the development of cancer cells and strengthens the immune system.
  2. This juice reduces menstrual pain and cramps, strengthens the lungs, prevents heart attack and high blood pressure.
  3. Improves vision, eliminates red and tired eyes.
  4. Fights bad breath caused by indigestion and throat infection.
  5. Relieves muscle pain after hard workout.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Let Your Wrinkles Disappear With This Amazing Face Toner

Wrinkles are the first sign of aging and they sure affect our self-esteem. Remember, it is really hard to treat deep wrinkles, as it takes more time and patience.

Let Your Wrinkles Disappear With This Amazing Face Toner

You could use different face creams that are supposed to keep your skin young and safe from harsh weather. However, you would all agree that nature always has the best solution for you and your skin complexion.
Try this homemade face toner and stand strong against the aging process.
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 glass beer
  • 1/2 glass rose
  • Preparation: water
  1. Juice the lemon.
  2. Add beer and rose water. Stir well.
  3. Apply the mask on a clean face. Use a cotton pad for an easier application.
  4. Leave it on for a while and let the ingredients do their magic. For optimal results apply the toner before you go to bed and leave it on overnight.
Your will wake up with a softer and smoother skin.

Kidney Stone Juice and Juices You Can Prepare to Remove Gallstones

If you have ever had to struggle with kidney stones, we bet that you sure don’t want to go through that experience again. Sharp stones go down the slender tube, or ureter, leading from the kidneys to the bladder, and then from the bladder to the urethra, which are the stations that urine goes through before exiting the body.

Kidney Stone Juice and Juices You Can Prepare to Remove Gallstones

Tiny kidney stones may not cause serious problems, but larger stones are usually followed by the most severe pain you could ever experience.
The good news is that a simple smoothie recipe can help you eliminate kidney stones.
Lemon is packed with citric acid, which is believed to be effective at breaking up calcium-based kidney stones.
Watermelon is also useful when it comes to eliminating kidney stones. It is a natural diuretic and also increases the urine production. It has the highest amount of water of any fruit. Water is essential as it stimulates the passing of kidney stones. It is also high in potassium, which helps to dissolve kidney stones.
For optimal results drink as much water as you can, and also a glass or two of healthy, all-natural juice. Juices contain citrates that help in the breakup of kidney stones.
Kidney stone juice
  • 1 orange, peeled
  • 1 apple
  • 1 lemon
  • 4 watermelon slices
  • 4 ice cubes
Remember, you should always use organic ingredients.
Just blend all the ingredients together and enjoy!
Now that you are aware that juicing can help you get rid of kidney stones, it is time to learn more about gallstones.
Being diagnosed with gallstones means that your doctor has possibly recommended a surgery to remove your gallbladder. However, we strongly recommend using some natural home remedies to dissolve gallstones before resorting to surgery.
Certain changes in your diet and all-natural foods can help you dissolve the gallstones that are responsible for that severe abdominal pain that goes all the way to your back and shoulders. Each of these home remedies will not only relieve symptoms like nausea, vomiting and indigestion, but will also relieve your pain and dissolve any gallstones.
Gallstones – Natural remedies
Apple juice and apple cider vinegar
There is a good reason why the old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is totally true. In addition to their wide range of health benefits, apples can dissolve gallstones when consumed as juice or as apple cider vinegar.
Apples contain magical acid that softens gallstones and vinegar stops the formation of cholesterol in the liver, which is responsible for the creation of gallstones in the first place. This fruit not only dissolves gallstones but also prevents their recurrence and relieves the pain that occurs during the flare-ups.
  • 1 glass of apple juice
  • 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of apple juice. Stir well. Drink this remedy once a day.
This natural remedy will relieve the pain caused by gallstones. Once you eliminate the stones, you may want to eat apples regularly. Try this treat – combine fresh uncooked applesauce, shredded raw beets, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and some fresh lemon juice.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Secret Kidney Cleansing Drink With Amazing Efficacy

Kidneys are vital organs and their function is important for the overall condition of our body. They filter about 200kg of blood daily to eliminate toxins from the food we eat.

Secret Kidney Cleansing Drink With Amazing Efficacy

Kidneys are some kind of a defensive mechanism, and they clean about 2l of waste material and excess water, excreted through urine. Toxic buildups are the root cause of many disorders that affect kidneys, urinary tract and bladder.
Check the most dangerous enemies that affect proper kidney function:
  • Animal protein and generally too much protein
  • Salt
  • Genetically modified foods
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Excessive consumption of dairy products
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs and medicines
  • Caffeine
  • Cigarettes
Improve the function of your kidneys with the help of their best friends:
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Clean water
  • Fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs
To make sure your kidneys function properly and detox your body, prepare this healthy and nutritious drink:
  • 1 lemon, peeled
  • 1 kiwi, peeled
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 bunch fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1 cup filtered water
Combine all the ingredients together, add water and blend until you get a nice texture.
Extra tip:
For optimal results, add some more fresh ingredients, and you will get a real vitamin bomb:
  • 1/2 avocado, cleaned
  • a handful of spinach or kale
  • 1/4 cup walnuts
Drink this healthy shake once a day, preferably in the morning before you eat or drink anything.Try it and your kidneys will be more than grateful!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

You Do Not Need To Use An Inhaler: This Juice Is A Guaranteed Cure For Asthma! (Recipe)

What happens during an asthma attack?  Asthmatics are rather sensitive and prone to allergies.

You Do Not Need To Use An Inhaler: This Juice Is A Guaranteed Cure For Asthma! (Recipe)

Their muscles tighten as a result of the excessive production of mucus in the throat. Those who deal with asthma have difficulty breathing and struggle with cough all the time.
Inhalers are asthmatics’ best friend. Using these is super easy, and you can always have one on hand. Inhalers are handy for sudden asthma attacks.
However, regular use of inhalers can harm health to a great extent. Wonder why? Inhalers are packed with chemicals. Actually, putting inhalers away can bring great improvement.
Introduce healthy dietary habits, and you will make another step closer to your relief. To do this you have to know what foods are good for you and what foods you should stay away from.
Increase your intake of vitamin C and beta carotene. This means you should eat more foods rich in these nutrients. Drink fresh carrot juice every day.
It contains great amounts of vitamin C. Celery is an excellent food choice as well. Eat a few celery stalks every day to detoxify your liver and intestines. Chlorophyll is concentrated in both leaves and stalks of the plant.
You can control the food you eat, and we have two good suggestions on how to do it:
  • 2 green apples
  • 6 celery stalks
  • a bunch of spinach
  • a bunch of parsley
  • a quarter cup of lemon juice
  • a quarter pineapple
  • 1 fennel
  • 8 kale stalks
  • 3 radishes
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 cucumber
  • ½ paprika
You just need to blend all the ingredients and the asthma juice is ready.
Drink this juice every day.
Here are the foods you should avoid:
  • Eggs, milk, meat and other foods of animal origin.
  • Vegetable oil (regular use can lead to inflammation of the airways)
  • Alcohol and soft drinks.

The Water Recipe That Literally Flushes Fat From Your Body

“Fat flush water” may be one of the greatest things you will ever read about and try, but do you know how it actually works?How can water be powerful enough to flush fat out of the body? It has nothing to do with magic. Human body needs water to perform its functions and get rid of toxic waste.

The Water Recipe That Literally Flushes Fat From Your Body

Water also hydrates tissues and keeps the fluids moving. The body is sometimes unable to break down fatty deposits and eliminate the fat, but you can give it a hand and do your best to improve your dietary habits and exercise more often.
Your body breaks down fat and uses it to produce energy, and triglycerides in fat cells are eliminated. These are further broken down to fatty acids and glycerols, and later absorbed in your muscles and organs.
Numerous chemical processes contribute to their further breakdown. When the body is unable to use the product leftovers as energy source, they are referred to as waste material and need to be eliminated from the body, and that is where water takes part.
The power of water
Water is the force your body needs to expel waste material. It filters the leftover materials out of the organs. In the next stage, water transports the waste to the bladder, and then eliminates it from the body through the urinary tract. Human bodies are a real wonder, right?
Drink plenty of water to hydrate your organism and ease the breakdown and elimination of fat. Most experts agree that 8 glasses of water per day are just enough, but of course, this depends on the weight, physical activity and weather conditions.
Drink enough water throughout the day, and keep in mind that it is a lot better option than soda, fruit juices, sugary drinks, because these dehydrate the body additionally.
Poor energy and headaches are the most common symptoms of mild dehydration. Try to drink more water than you usually do. Remember, a bit more is always better that not enough.
The Fat Flush Water
  • 2l purified water
  • 1 tangerine, sectioned
  • ½ grapefruit, sliced
  • 1 cucumber, sliced
  • 4 peppermint / spearmint leaves
  • ice cubes, optional (make sure they are made from purified water)
Note: If you are taking any medications for blood pressure, replace the grapefruit with 1/2 lemon and 1/2 lime.
Combine the ingredients in a large pitcher, and drink your fat flush water throughout the next day. Make sure the ingredients you use are truly organic, and keep in mind that you have to wash and clean them thoroughly.
Tangerines increase the sensitivity to insulin and regulate blood sugar. Their high vitamin C content helps the body to burn more fat during your workout.
Grapefruits stimulate metabolic energy, burn fat, and increase the production of energy.
Cucumbers provide satiety, and have a strong diuretic effect. This means that the refreshing veggie will help you cope with bloating and water retention.
Fresh mint leaves ease digestion.
Keep in mind that drinking your fat flushing water alone or drinking plain water cannot help the body burn fat on its own. Physical activities are of essential importance, since exercising is the only way to break down fat and ease its elimination from the body.
Implement healthy dietary habits. Instead of counting the calories you eat, make sure you get your calories from organic, lean, whole foods. This fat flush recipe will provide you with the nutrients you need to ‘survive’ the day ahead, and it is a tasty way to drink more water.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

This Miracle Homemade Recipe Created By Cardiologists Can Heal The Heart and Protect From Cancer

This remedy treats the whole body! It was created by cardiologists to help treat their patients.

This Miracle Homemade Recipe Created By Cardiologists Can Heal The Heart and Protect From Cancer

This remedy cleanses the veins, helps the heart, improves resistance to infection, washes out the liver, counteracts heart failure, and is considered to help fight the progression of dangerous conditions.
  • 15 lemons
  • 14 oz / 400g wheat germ
  • 12 cloves of garlic
  • 14 oz /400g walnuts
  • 2 pounds / 1kg of raw organic honey
  • Preparation:
Put the raw wheat in a clean glass jug, fill it with water, cover with gauze and let it stand for 10-12 hours. Next, strain it through the gauze and wash the wheat very well. After one day, sprouts will show up with the measure of 1-2mm.
In a meat-mincing machine, pound together the garlic, walnuts and wheat sprouts. Then mix 5  lemons (with their peels still on) and add them to the mixture. Squeeze the juice from the other 10 lemons and add it to the mixture. Add the honey. Store the mixture in glass jugs and place in the fridge. It will be ready to use after 3 days.
This medication treats the entire body and all illnesses!
The most effective method to consume it:
Take 1-2 tablespoons 30 minutes prior to every meal (3 times each day). For the treatment of tumor, take a spoon every two hours.