Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Top 25 Alkaline Foods on the Planet (Eat more to prevent cancer, obesity and heart disease)

The environment in the body should be alkaline, and the consumption of such unhealthy foods makes it acidic, and thus more prone to diseases, as the immune system is significantly weakened.
The Top 25 Alkaline Foods on the Planet (Eat more to prevent cancer, obesity and heart disease)
  1. Swiss Chard
This alkaline food has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties and also prevents damage caused by free radicals.
  1. Buckwheat
Buckwheat is an excellent wheat replacement and is great for a breakfast to energize your body and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
The following list contains 20 other alkalizing foods you can consume:
– Carrots – They are rich in beta-carotene and improve eyesight.
– Mango – It cleanses the colon.
– Sauerkraut – Fermented foods are high in probiotics.
– Pineapple – It helps weight loss.
– Cucumber – Its 90% water content moisturizes the skin, keeps the body hydrated, and supports skin health.
– Grapefruit – Good source of numerous vitamins.
– Parsley – It cleanses the intestines.
– Quinoa – Regulates blood sugars.
– Berries – they are a rich source of antioxidants.
– Papaya – It acts as a laxative and cleanses the colon.
– Avocado – it is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats which support heart health.
–Bananas – Ripe bananas are amazing healthy superfoods.
– Brussels Sprouts – Might prevent cancer.
-Alfalfa Sprouts – They balance hormones, provide enzymes, and are easy to digest.
– Garlic – It has numerous health properties, including blood pressure control.
– Broccoli – Steamed broccoli lower cholesterol.
– Seaweeds – They are rich in iron and alkalize the body.
– Grapes – They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, and lower blood pressure.
– Spinach – This is the vegetable with the highest amounts of vitamins.
– Lemons– Lemons are rich in vitamin C, and fight the flu, colds, and cough.

Friday, June 2, 2017

How To Train Your Brain To Stop Worrying

Worrying is a huge but unnecessary evil that makes our everyday harder, and might even become a habit that inhibits our happiness.
Some people believe that worrying helps them to learn from their experience, but the reality is that the future cannot be controlled, so worrying only does harm to our overall health.
Depression is focusing on past events that one wishes to change, while worrying is focusing on future events that cannot be controlled. Therefore, we will suggest a few ways help you stop worrying about the future:
  1. Write your thoughts down
This technique has been found to provide great effects. If you cannot fall asleep or just cannot focus on anything else that your worries, write them down.
While doing this, the brain will relax and start to breathe as it will no longer need to remember all the details. Scientists believe that chronic worriers may be chronic problem avoiders too.
This was also confirmed by scientists in the journal Anxiety, Stress & Coping, who gave worriers an opportunity to write down three possible outcomes for the situation they were worried about, and then made evaluated the answers for practical solutions. They concluded:
‘When participants’ problem elaborations were rated for concreteness, both studies showed an inverse relationship between the degree of worry and concreteness: The more participants worried about a given topic, the less concrete was the content of their elaboration. The results challenge the view that worry may promote better problem analyses. Instead, they conform to the view that worry is a cognitive avoidance response.‘
  1. Exercise to Train Your Body and Brain
Worry is a result of the way the brain has learned to survive by deciding to turn on the fight or flight system. The journal Psychosomatic Medicine published a study which found that exercise is beneficial in the case of anxiety.
Apparently, if the body is not constantly under stress, the mind will receive a message that it is not in a state of heightened arousal.
Exercise also accelerates the heart rate and perspiration and regulates blood pressure, which is another common physical symptom of stress.
When you start worrying, immediately go outside and spend at least 10 minutes walking. Try to focus on the sounds in nature, the motion of your limbs, and your breathing.
  1. Meditation
Meditation is another extremely beneficial method to train your brain not to worry too much. Individuals who have mastered the brain training technique claim that you should observe the worrisome thoughts as they enter the mind and then leave it as clouds on a breezy day.
The few moments you find free to pay attention to what really matters to you and ignore all the noise in your life will chase the worrisome thoughts away.

Why You Should Take Your Apple Cider Vinegar at Night!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has a wide range of uses as it offers numerous health benefits, including weight loss, raising the beneficial bacteria in the gut, and balancing the pH levels of the body.
If you mix it with ginger and honey, apple cider vinegar will help you treat a sore throat. Just mix 1 tablespoon of ACV, ¼ teaspoon of ground ginger, 2 tablespoons of water, ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and 1 tablespoon of raw honey.
One of its most valuable properties is its ability to regulate blood sugar. Researchers at the Arizona University State conducted a study which involved 11 type 2 diabetes patients.
They did not take insulin, but took prescription drugs, along with a dose of 2 tablespoons of ACV with 1 oz of cheese before going to sleep.
The results have shown that the blood sugar levels were significantly regulated in the morning when they received the same snack, but with 2 tablespoons of water instead of vinegar.
Another study has found the consumption of an ounce of apple cider vinegar with a meal which included a white bagel and butter and a glass of orange juice, reduces the blood glucose levels in the case of healthy people, adults with type 2 diabetes, and adults with pre-diabetes.
In the case of type 2 diabetes, the blood sugar levels were lowered by 25%, and by 50% in pre-diabetics.
Its acidic nature balances the pH levels and thus provides amazing effects in the case of various skin issues, such as sunburns, warts, bug bites, burns, toenail fungus, poison ivy, acne, Athlete’s foot, dandruff, and wounds.
This miraculous item also eliminates the toxins from the lymphatic system, thus boosting the homeostatic function, probably due to the high antioxidant content, which prevents oxidative damage and helps the proper function of the blood and the organs.
Studies have shown that vinegar effectively destroys cancer cells, as it promotes apoptosis in leukemia cells. A similar survey has found that rice vinegar was able to stop lung, bladder, prostate, breast, and colon cancer.
It has also been scientifically confirmed that apple cider vinegar also controls body weight, as it is high in acetic acid, which activates the trigger genes which support the ability of the enzymes to break down fat, and thus preventing weight gain.
A Japanese study involved obese candidates with similar waist measurement, body mass index, and body weight, and they were divided into 3 groups.
The first group received a ½ ounce of ACV, the second 1 ounce of ACV and the third did not take apple cider vinegar. The results showed that those who consumed apple cider vinegar have reduced body weight, smaller waist circumference, and lower BMI.
Apple cider vinegar, as well as fermented vegetables, can be of great help in the case of acid reflux, ulcers, and colitis. Fermented products are rich in lactic acid, which boosts the gut microbiome.
Experts have shown that it is also excellent for digestion issues, and treats the symptoms of gastrointestinal disease. In this case, add a teaspoon of raw honey, and two teaspoons of AVC to a cup of warm water and drink it.
A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar can help you stop the hiccups. Soak a cloth in apple cider vinegar and place it on the bruises to speed up the recovery process and soothe the inflammation.
In order to speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation, you need to place a cloth, which is soaked in ACV, directly on the bruise.
It is also a potent antimicrobial agent which can replace the expensive chemical disinfectants. Also, the acetic acid destroys mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is resistant to disinfectants.
Apple cider vinegar offers multiple other uses in the household, for cleaning and cooking. We suggest the following combination for a delicious salad dressing:
  • 1 tablespoon of ACV
  • ½ teaspoon of minced garlic
  • Several fresh basil leaves
  • Some ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Monday, May 29, 2017

Here is What Happens With Your Body When You Stop Smoking

Smoking is a severely detrimental habit which leads to numerous negative consequences on your health.
Therefore, when you decide to quit smoking, everything in the body experiences great improvements, from the top to the bottom.
We will explain this process in stages:
  1. The beginning of improvements
20 minutes after your last cigarette, the pulse and the blood pressure are normalized.
  1. Return to Normal
After only eight hours, the carbon monoxide levels in the blood neutralize, as well as the levels of oxygen.
  1. Low heart attack risk
After only 24 hours, the risk of a heart attack is lowered.
  1. Restored sensual perception
After 48 hours, the senses of taste and smell are improved, and the nerve endings begin to regrow.
  1. Improved circulation
Between the period of 2 weeks and 3 months, the blood circulation is improved, and walking becomes easier. Moreover, the function of the lungs is increased up to 30 percent.
  1. Easier breathing
After 1-9 months, the body regains its energy, and the issues with a shortness of breath, coughs, and sinus congestion are reduced.  Cilia start regrowing in the lungs and thus cleanse them and lower the risk of infections.
  1. Improved Heart health
After a year, the risk of coronary heart disease in non-smokers is twice lower than that of a smoker’s.
  1. Lower cancer risk
After 5 years, the risk of throat, mouth, and esophageal cancer in non-smokers is half that of smokers’ and the rate of lung cancer death is twice lower than that of average smokers.
  1. Lower risk of lung cancer
After 10 years after one quit smoking, the lung cancer death rate is comparable to a nonsmoker’s, since the precancerous cells are replaced. Moreover, the risk of bladder, kidney, throat, mouth, esophageal, and pancreatic cancer is significantly lower.
  1. Reversal
After 15 years, the risk of heart diseases is the same as in the case of a non-smoker.