Monday, November 21, 2016

Diabetes is an incurable and severe condition which destroys numerous lives annually. Despite being a threat to the life of the patient, it also causes numerous severe accompanying symptoms.

When You Mix These 2 Ingredients They Become the Best Cure for Diabetes!
Yet, there are ways to control it and maintain it in a normal range and relieve the unpleasant symptoms, in order the patient to continue functioning normally.

This combines the effects of the proper diabetes medicines, traditional medicine remedies, and the consumption of healthy foods. However, we will also reveal the recipe of an extremely effective natural remedy for diabetes:


Freshly squeezed juice of 6 lemons
300 grams of celery root

Method of preparation:

Initially, wash the celery root and place it in an enamel pot. Then, add the lemon juice, and close the pot.
Then, put this pot into a larger pot, filled with water. Heat the pot until the water boils, and then, lower the heat and leave the pot to simmer for 2 hours on a very low temperature.  After this time, remove the pots from fire, and leave them to cool, but without opening the smaller pot.When they are cool, pour the medicine into a suitable jar, close it, and store it in the fridge.


You should drink a tablespoon of this remedy every morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before your breakfast.The prepared amount is enough for a couple f months. Afterward, your blood sugar levels will be normalized.

Here’s Why You Should Start Drinking Ginger Tea Every Day And How To Prepare It In The Right Way!

Numerous people have switched from coffee to green tea these days, but we will suggest another extremely healthy alternative which should become a part of your daily routine- ginger tea.

Here’s Why You Should Start Drinking Ginger Tea Every Day And How To Prepare It In The Right Way!
This amazing drink provides numerous health benefits, including:

It boosts the immune system
It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and contains numerous anti-inflammatory compounds which prevent various health issues, such as muscle and joint pain due to inflammation
Improves blood circulation
It enhances the brain performance

It helps digestion, and the absorption of nutrients while preventing issues like diarrhea, constipation, cramps, vomiting, nausea, and damage to the gastrointestinal tract
Ginger has two active substances, gingerdiols, and gingerols, which have potent antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties
It boosts memory

The regular consumption of ginger prevents inflammation, apoptosis, and oxidative stress
Ginger is especially beneficial for middle-aged women
Numerous studies have shown that ginger inhibits the metastasis and growth of cancer cells, especially in the case of skin, liver, lung, pancreatic, bladder, and prostate cancer
Ginger supports a proper blood circulation and treats the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, such as high cholesterol levels and hypertension; it also eliminates arterial plaque and thus protects from heart attacks
Due to all these amazing advantages of the use of the ginger tea, here is how to prepare it:


4-6 slices of raw ginger
Organic honey
A cup of water


In a small ceramic saucepan, pour the water and bring it to boiling. Then, add the ginger slices, and lower the heat. Boil for about 15 minutes and remove the saucepan from heat. Pour the tea into a cup, add a teaspoon of honey, and enjoy this delicious drink that will provide incredible health benefits!

Treat Diabetes, Cholesterol And Kidney Diseases With Okra Water- Now You Can Make It Yourself

Okra, or otherwise known as the “lady`s fingers” is a popular plant which offers amazing health benefits.

Treat Diabetes, Cholesterol And Kidney Diseases With Okra Water- Now You Can Make It Yourself
The pronunciation of the name differs in numerous parts of the world, and while it is known as “okra” in the Uk, the USA, and the Philippines, it is pronounced as “okro” in Nigeria and on the Caribbean.

This fantastic plant is incredibly nutrient- rich. A glass of fresh okra has 2 grams of proteins, 21 milligrams of vitamin C, 30 calories, 80 micrograms of folate, 60 milligrams of magnesium, 3 grams of dietary fiber, 0.1 grams of fat,and 7.6 grams of carbohydrates.This plant can be used consumed throughout the entire year, in various ways, fried, boiled, stewed, or pickled.

Its consumption offers multiple health benefits, including:

Reduces cholesterol levels
Prevents diabetes
Reduces the glucose levels consumed by food via the gastrointestinal tract
Relieves asthma symptoms
Prevents kidney diseases
We will present the recipe of okra water, a drink which will help you naturally balance your blood sugar levels:


4 raw okras
A cup of water

You should cut the heads and tails of the okras and place them into the water. Leave them thus during the night.


You should consume this drink on an empty stomach every morning, 30 minutes before your breakfast. The quick effects will surprise you!

Take The 3 Juice Colon Cleanse And Flush Pounds Of Toxins From Your Body

Many people suffer from digestive issueS, like hemorrhoids, celiac disease, IBS, anal fissure, chronic constipation, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, etc.

The colon, or the large intestine, is an extremely important body organ as its role is to discard the waste from the system, so its proper function is vital.
Take The 3 Juice Colon Cleanse And Flush Pounds Of Toxins From Your Body
Therefore, cleansing it will help digestion, and reduce pain and discomfort.  These benefits can be obtained by conducting a homemade colon cleanse treatment, which will detoxify the entire body.

Yet, make sure you remain at home during the treatment. It contains natural ingredients only, and it will treat constipation, and get rid of the toxins and waste accumulated in the body.The remedy contains ginger, sea salt, lemon, and apples, all of which are high in nutrients which support the general health.

Studies have shown that the consumption of only an apple daily strengthens health. On the other hand, lemons are extremely helpful for detoxification and are abundant in vitamin C, which is a potent antioxidant.
Sea salt helps digestion and stimulates the transport of waste and toxins throughout the body, while ginger reduces bloating and supports the colon function.

Here is how to prepare it:


½ cup of pure apple juice
2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 teaspoon of ginger juice
½ teaspoon of sea salt
½ cup of lukewarm filtered water
Method of preparation:

Pour 3.5 oz. of filtered water in a pan and warm it up, bit remove it from heat before it boils. Then, add the sea salt, stir, and then add the juices, the lemon juice, ginger juice, and apple juice. Stir well once more. It should not be extremely hot as you should drink it right after preparation.

Dose and consumption:

-Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, as soon as you wake up.
-Drink another glass before your lunch
-You should consume it in the evening as well, around 6-7 pm.
The daily dose is 8 glasses, and it has no side-effects.

Yet, do not do this colon cleanse, or at least consult your doctor prior to doing it, if you are pregnant, have diabetes, or if you have some kind of allergy.This treatment should last for one day, but if you want, you can repeat it after a week. The results are immediate, the body is free of toxins and the digestion is dramatically improved.

For All Smokers and Ex-Smokers: This Drink Will Cleanse Your Toxic Lungs!

As reported by the CDC, smoking is a seriously detrimental habit which harms the entire body and almost all body organs, causing disability and disease.

For All Smokers and Ex-Smokers: This Drink Will Cleanse Your Toxic Lungs!
Moreover, the CDC states that it is the major cause of preventable death.
Over 16 million people in the United States suffer from some health issue caused by smoking, and for each individual who dies due to this harmful habit, minimum 30 people live with a severe smoking-related illness.

Smoking may cause various diseases, including diabetes, stroke, cancer, heart disease, lung diseases, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis.It may significantly raise the risk of eye diseases, tuberculosis, and immune system issues, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, it leads to erectile dysfunction in males.

Therefore, being able to cleanse the lungs and eliminate all toxins means that you can prevent all these serious health problems, regardless whether you are a smoker or nonsmoker.We will reveal the recipe of an amazing natural juice which includes only 3 common ingredients, and will provide multiple benefits.


The first ingredient is this miraculous spice, or also known as Indian saffron. It is high in minerals, vitamins, and omega 3 fatty acids. It has potent anticancer, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.


Both, onion and garlic, have powerful anti-cancer properties which are extremely effective in preventing malignant conditions. Onions are also very useful in avoiding all kinds of respiratory diseases.


Ginger has been popular and widely used since ancient times, as it has numerous health benefits, including its ability to get rid of the excessive amounts of mucus accumulated in the lungs.

This is how to prepare the drink:


2 tablespoons turmeric
400 grams of onion
Thumb-sized ginger root
400 grams of sugar (or honey or maple syrup)
1 liter of water
Method of preparation:

You should pour the water into a pot and add the sugar. Heat it and let it boil. Slice the onion into quarters. Next, slice the ginger root, and add them both to the water. Let it boil again, then add the turmeric, and lower the heat.

Leave the mixture to boil until its amount is lowered by half, strain it, and pour it into a glass jar. Leave it to cool down.Store the mixture in the fridge.