Monday, May 29, 2017

Here is What Happens With Your Body When You Stop Smoking

Smoking is a severely detrimental habit which leads to numerous negative consequences on your health.
Therefore, when you decide to quit smoking, everything in the body experiences great improvements, from the top to the bottom.
We will explain this process in stages:
  1. The beginning of improvements
20 minutes after your last cigarette, the pulse and the blood pressure are normalized.
  1. Return to Normal
After only eight hours, the carbon monoxide levels in the blood neutralize, as well as the levels of oxygen.
  1. Low heart attack risk
After only 24 hours, the risk of a heart attack is lowered.
  1. Restored sensual perception
After 48 hours, the senses of taste and smell are improved, and the nerve endings begin to regrow.
  1. Improved circulation
Between the period of 2 weeks and 3 months, the blood circulation is improved, and walking becomes easier. Moreover, the function of the lungs is increased up to 30 percent.
  1. Easier breathing
After 1-9 months, the body regains its energy, and the issues with a shortness of breath, coughs, and sinus congestion are reduced.  Cilia start regrowing in the lungs and thus cleanse them and lower the risk of infections.
  1. Improved Heart health
After a year, the risk of coronary heart disease in non-smokers is twice lower than that of a smoker’s.
  1. Lower cancer risk
After 5 years, the risk of throat, mouth, and esophageal cancer in non-smokers is half that of smokers’ and the rate of lung cancer death is twice lower than that of average smokers.
  1. Lower risk of lung cancer
After 10 years after one quit smoking, the lung cancer death rate is comparable to a nonsmoker’s, since the precancerous cells are replaced. Moreover, the risk of bladder, kidney, throat, mouth, esophageal, and pancreatic cancer is significantly lower.
  1. Reversal
After 15 years, the risk of heart diseases is the same as in the case of a non-smoker.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

5 Remedies To Treat Ingrown Toenails At Home

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails cause great discomfort and pain, and occur when a nail starts to grow curved into the skin. It, therefore, leads to swelling, tenderness, irritations, and redness, as well as an infection.
The main causes of ingrown toenails include Heredity, improper footwear, and a foot injury. This issue is quite common and is often too difficult to treat.
However, there are several effective natural ways to soothe the pain caused by it. Remember not to cut or trim the nail, and it is best to always consult your doctor before you try anything on your own.
The following five methods are extremely effective and you will soon feel great relief:
Tea Tree Oil
This oil is a potent natural disinfectant. All you need to do is to apply a few drops of it on the affected
Apple Cider Vinegar Wash
Vinegar is an effective method in the case of an ingrown toenail. You should simply dilute a quarter cup of it in some warm water, and soak your feet in it to relieve the pain and discomfort.
Also it can prevent an infection if you apply it directly on the wound, as its potent antibacterial properties clean the area. Yet, it cannot fight an existing bacterial infection.
Warm Bath With Epsom Salt
Epsom salts alleviate irritations, soften nails, and disinfect the foot from bacteria. Just soak the foot in the lukewarm water with these salts for 20 minutes.
Antibiotic Ointment
It is of high importance to keep the feet clean, as the affected area is vulnerable and core. The feet come in contact with a lot of germs, so you should apply antibiotic ointment regularly, and wrap it with a bandage to keep the toe sterile.
Floss or a Cotton Ball
You can use a cotton ball or flow to relieve the pressure between the nail and the painful toe. Lift the nail with tweezers (or dental floss wrapped around the nail) to carefully place a sterile cotton ball underneath, and ensure the nail is comfortable above it.