Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Add 3 Drops of Oregano Oil to Water and See What Happens to Your Lungs!

Add 3 Drops of Oregano Oil to Water and See What Happens to Your Lungs!

Nowadays, the estimated number of people suffering from pneumonia is more than 3 million annually. It is actually an inflammation of the tissue in the lungs or only one of them and is often caused by an infection due to bacteria, fungi, or viruses.
Prior to the discovery of the antibiotics, one-third of all sufferers of this disease ended up dead.  Today, most of the patients recover, but 5% still die, making pneumonia the 6th major death cause in the world.
The most common cause of this condition is streptococcus pneumonia, which leads to symptoms like shaking chills, fever, and rust-colored mucus. This infection spreads to the blood in 20 to 30 percent of the cases, causing sepsis, with 20-30% mortality rate.
The treatment of pneumonia most commonly involves penicillin, amoxicillin, clavulanic acid or Augmentin, and macrolide antibiotics, such as erythromycin, clarithromycin, and azithromycin.
Yet, the common and widespread of antibiotics has led to a huge drug resistance. Therefore, it is suggested that the patient tests the sensitivity to the antibiotic before it is being used.
On the other hand, oregano oil has been used in the treatment of dysentery, respiratory infections, jaundice, chronic inflammation, and urinary tract infection in the Middle East and its potent antibacterial properties have been confirmed by many studies.
Additionally, this oil is rich in minerals like copper, zinc, boron, calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. Research has shown that it is absolutely safe for human use, even when paired with antibiotics to treat infections.
It effectively prevents flu and colds. All you need to do is to take 3 drops daily of this oil in some drink, for instance, in a cup of orange juice. This treatment should not last for more than 5 days, after which the symptoms will be entirely treated.
Baking soda is another effective pneumonia treatment, as it neutralizes acids and breaks down proteins. It also regulates and maintains the pH balance of the blood.
The alkaline environment can attract hydrogen ions, in contrary to the acidic one. The more alkaline the body is, the stronger the immune system is to fight bacteria.
Increasing the pH levels if of high importance, therefore, as the body will be able to combat pathogens like bacteria and viruses, which cause bronchitis, pneumonia, and colds.
You should combine sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate to alkalize the environment and treat respiratory infections, sore throat, and a runny nose.
Furthermore, you can mix some water and 2 drops of liquid sodium bicarbonate in a spray bottle and use it 2-3 times daily to reverse sinusitis, asthma, and pneumonia.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Drink Lemon Water Instead Of Pills If You Have One Of These 15 Problems

 Lemon Water

The consumption of lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach provides various health benefits.
Namely, this amazing drink is high in antioxidants, protein, vitamins B and C, phosphorus, volatile oils, potassium, flavonoids, and carbohydrates. It strengthens the immune system and has potent antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Since it is rich in magnesium, vitamins, pectin, calcium, bioflavonoids, limonene, and citric acid, lemon water effectively fights infections as well.
Therefore, the consumption of lemon water in the morning detoxifies the system, helps digestion, supports weight loss, prevents hunger cravings, and creates an alkaline environment to balance the pH levels in the body.
By drinking it every morning, you can treat the following 15 health issues:
1.Removal and prevention of Kidney Stones
Lemons contain potassium which raises the levels of citrate in the urine and thus prevents the formation of oxalate.
2. Soothes Sore Muscles after Exercise
Drinking lemon juice after an exhausting workout relieves the pain in the muscles.
3. Suppression of Appetite and Weight Loss
Lemons contain vitamins and enzymes which regulate blood sugar and help to balance a healthy weight. This fruit also involves pectin which prevents food cravings. Additionally, lemon juice helps digestion and supports the production of bile, which decomposes the food during digestion.
4. Flu and Cold Remedy
Lemons are abundant in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, and have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties.
5. Relieves Joint Pain and Swelling
This drink reduces the amount of uric acid in joints, which is one of the greatest causes of inflammation (especially in the case of arthritis).
6. Boosts the immune system
Lemon water stimulates the lymphatic system, which works simultaneously with the immune system to eliminate pathogens from the body.
7. Reduces Inflammation
Lemons neutralize acidity, which is the major cause of tissue inflammation.
8. Gall Bladder stones
The consumption of lemon water relieves the pain caused by gall bladder stones.
9. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
It has been reported that the consumption of lemon water for 2 weeks can replace the constant need for candy.
10. Helps with Food-Borne Illnesses
Lemon water effectively prevents food poisoning, can be very useful during traveling, and alleviates the pain from compressed vertebrae.
11. Helps with Colitis
Colitis occurs in the case of an imbalance of alkaline/acid levels in the body. The consumption of a glass of this drink daily reduces acidity in the body and balances the ph levels.
12. Treats Fibromyalgia
The combination of lemon water and yoga exercises can efficiently reduce exhaustion due to fibromyalgia.
13. Acne
Lemon water helps to metabolize the acidic environment in the body and thus prevents the appearance of acne. You can also rub some lemon juice on the problematic places on the face to treat acne.
14. Reduces Alcohol cravings
The need for alcohol can be successfully reduced with the help of lemon juice.
15. Stronger Finger Nails
This drink removes the white spots and strengthens the nails.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Parents Shocked By What Caused This Child’s Massive Tooth Decay

Parents Shocked By What Caused This Child’s Massive Tooth Decay

Some time ago, young children were visiting their dentists for a simple routine cleaning, but these days, children consume a tremendous sugar amount.
This leaves them with tooth decay issues, and their rotting teeth need to be pulled out.
Recently, a 3-year-old boy in New Zealand who consumed excessive amounts of sugar had to undergo 11 teeth extractions. His dentist Dr. Rob Beaglehole said that the sippy cup of the boy was filled with soda.
Yet, this is not only a New Zealand issue. According to the American Heart Association, women should consume no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar, and men no more than 9 teaspoons daily.
For instance, one 20 oz. Coca-Cola contains 15 teaspoons of sugar, so if you drink one today, you consume twice the recommended sugar amount.
Research has shown that the amount of sugar consumed by the average American daily is a whopping 23 teaspoons, which is triple the recommended amount for men and quadruple the recommended amount for women.
Moreover, Appalachia, the area that stretches from southern New York to Alabama, has also noted an issue with sugar consumption, due to the intake of soft drinks, which lead to an alarmingly high number of cases of eroding teeth.
This issue is also known as the “Mountain Dew Mouth” problem, after the most popular drink in the area.
The main culprit for this is the citric acid, which is a preservative that improves the flavor and the shelf life of these drinks and is found in high amounts in soda. It erodes the enamel and dentin, the tooth core.
Yet, this is not the only reason why you should avoid added sugar. Namely, sugar overloads the liver and leads to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and insulin resistance, which in turn causes type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease.  High sugar intake also causes an increased cancer risk.
Sugar consumption is also the main reason for the development of obesity in children and adults. It reduces satiety levels and is highly addictive, forcing people to crave for more sugar and food.
In the last three decades, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents, and in 2012, over 1/3 of children and adolescents were overweight or obese.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that obese youth are more likely to suffer from some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, prediabetes, bone and joint problems, and social and psychological problems such as poor self-esteem.
Moreover, obese adolescents and children are likely to be obese as adults, being at risk of stroke, osteoarthritis, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and several types of cancer.
According to the New Zealand Dental Association, parents should give only milk and water to their children, in order to prevent more tooth decay from soda.
Even though these claims are constantly challenged by the beverage industry, dentists and nutrition experts warn about the negative effects of soft drinks and all sugar-high products.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Most Powerful Home Remedy For Lowering Triglycerides !

The Most Powerful Home Remedy For Lowering Triglycerides !
We continue to give you advices on how to surprise your body in a positive way, and tоday we recommend you try this recipe that will help you reduce triglyceride levels.
  • 2 cups /400 grams chopped celery
  • 2.2 lbs /1 kg lemons
  • 8.5 cups /2 liters water

Cut well washed lemons into thin slices and add the pieces in 8.5 cups/ 2l of water. Put the water and lemon mixture on the stove. Chop the celery and add it to the water. Let it cook on high heat for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, take the mixture off the heat and let it cool for at least 6 hours, it is best if you do it overnight. After 6 hours strain the mixture and it is ready to be consumed.
Nutritionists recommend consuming 3.5 oz/ 100ml before your meals, three times a day. Keep the rest of the remedy on a dark and cold place.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Just Use These 2 Ingredients To Empty All Deposits of Fat and Parasites Of Your Body Without Effort

 Fat and Parasites Of Your Body Without Effort
All you need is are two simple ingredients and you will manage to eliminate all fat  and parasites accumulates in the body!
Numerous experts believe that stored energy is only body fat, so in order to manage to use it properly, and burn fat deposits, you should follow a strict diet. Yet, the process of burning body fat is also affected by other energy reserves, known as glycogen (carbohydrate) and protein (muscle).
In order to alter the way the body uses fats, you need to change the way it uses these deposits of energy.
In the case of constant stress, you may crave for food too often, but this may also be a result of the existence of parasites in the stomach. in the case of excess consumption of sweet foods, the body gets full of mucus, which is perfect for these parasites.
This environment is also favorable for bacteria and fungi. Therefore, you should find a way to naturally eliminate the fat accumulated in the body and remove the parasites. The following natural remedy is extremely effective :
• 10 grams of dried cloves
• 100 grams of linseed
Method of preparation:
You should grind the dried cloves and linseed and prepare a powder.
Every morning, for three days, you should consume 2 tablespoons of the powder with a glass of water, or along with your breakfast.
For best effects, take this remedy for 3 days, make a 3-day break, and repeat the procedure.
After a month, you will feel incredible effects, as your body will be clean of parasites and toxins. Note that you should consume the essential minerals and vitamins daily, in order to get the needed energy for the day. In this way, you will feel extremely vital and full of energy!