Sunday, February 11, 2018

This Miracle Homemade Recipe Created By Cardiologists Can Heal The Heart and Protect From Cancer

This remedy treats the whole body! It was created by cardiologists to help treat their patients.

This Miracle Homemade Recipe Created By Cardiologists Can Heal The Heart and Protect From Cancer

This remedy cleanses the veins, helps the heart, improves resistance to infection, washes out the liver, counteracts heart failure, and is considered to help fight the progression of dangerous conditions.
  • 15 lemons
  • 14 oz / 400g wheat germ
  • 12 cloves of garlic
  • 14 oz /400g walnuts
  • 2 pounds / 1kg of raw organic honey
  • Preparation:
Put the raw wheat in a clean glass jug, fill it with water, cover with gauze and let it stand for 10-12 hours. Next, strain it through the gauze and wash the wheat very well. After one day, sprouts will show up with the measure of 1-2mm.
In a meat-mincing machine, pound together the garlic, walnuts and wheat sprouts. Then mix 5  lemons (with their peels still on) and add them to the mixture. Squeeze the juice from the other 10 lemons and add it to the mixture. Add the honey. Store the mixture in glass jugs and place in the fridge. It will be ready to use after 3 days.
This medication treats the entire body and all illnesses!
The most effective method to consume it:
Take 1-2 tablespoons 30 minutes prior to every meal (3 times each day). For the treatment of tumor, take a spoon every two hours.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Japanese Recipe For Longevity

As people’s awareness of health increased, many have started searching for a longevity elixir and recipes to prolong their lives. Although our life-span has significantly increased since the earlier periods of the history, aging is still unavoidable.

Japanese Recipe For Longevity

As you have already noticed, aging does not affect every individual in the same way. You may see 40-year-old people with wrinkled faces, and 60-year-old that look as if they were 40.
Some people are healthy and full of energy even when they are older, but for some people aging means facing different health problems, even though they are not that old. Aging is followed by vision problems, forgetfulness, osteoporosis, heart attack, and other diseases.
However, some studies confirm that aging is not always the cause for these health conditions, and they occur more as a result of certain genetic predispositions, insufficient physical activity and unhealthy dietary habits.
Here are some healthy suggestions that will prolong your life:
  • Cereals and yogurt for breakfast
  • Boiled vegetables and nuts
  • Wholemeal bread slices smeared with some peanut-butter
  • Lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Plenty of water
Try this amazing Japanese recipe for longevity, and enjoy its magic. The best results are obtained when this elixir is consumed regularly.
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 20 drops garlic oil
  • ½ tsp ginger powder
  • 1 tsp aloe vera
Combine the ingredients together, and drink this elixir every morning. If you do not like the taste of garlic or if you have problems digesting it, use 20 drops of hawthorn instead, and you can also replace aloe vera with some nettle leaves.

How to Remove Uric Acid Crystalization in Joints (Gout and Joint pain)

Cucumber is amazingly beneficial when it comes to treating different health conditions. Cucumber juice can lower high body temperature, it is highly alkaline and quite effective in removing uric acid crystalization in the joints, or to be more precise, it can help you treat gout.

How to Remove Uric Acid Crystalization in Joints (Gout and Joint pain)

The consumption of this juice may cause pain in some people, but it is just a sign that you are getting better. In other words, the pain you are feeling is a sign that the juice breaks through the toxic buildups and eliminates the waste materia.
Celery and ginger reduce inflammations, which is of great help during the cleansing process. Make sure you use the advantages of this winning combination!
  • 1 medium-sized cucumber
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 lemon slice
  • young ginger root (an inch long)
Preparation:Preparation time: 10 mins
Clean the ingredients well and you can use vegetable brush for that purpose. Cut the cucumber into slices, or small chunks that will fit the capacity of your juicer. Do the same with the celery stalks, and make sure there is no dirt on the pieces. Cut the lemon in half, and keep the rest in your fridge. Peel the ginger root. Add the ingredients to your juicer and process.
How long should you drink this juice?
Drink it untill you notice some improvements. The best results are obtained when you drink it once or twice a day, as this dosing will sure speed up the process.

Friday, February 9, 2018

This Amazing Oriental Tea Can Cure More Than 50 Health Conditions And Detox The Body

We suggest that you prepare this ancient folk super-tea recipe that cures more than 50 health conditions, and it contains oriental spices such as: turmeric, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom…

This Amazing Oriental Tea Can Cure More Than 50 Health Conditions And Detox The Body

In India turmeric is used since ancient times to eliminate the toxins from the body, and to treat nausea, vomiting, nematodes, and today there is scientific evidence proving its efficacy in preventing and treating cancer and dementia.
Cloves are amazing in treating infections, and ginger stimulates the blood circulation.
  • ½ tsp ginger
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp cloves
  • 1/6 tsp turmeric
  • a pinch of cardamom
  • 1 ½ cup of water
  • 1/2 coconut milk
  • honey, optional
  1. Mix all the spices together and add a cup and a half of boiled water.
  2. If you can not find ground spices and you use seeds instead, you should boil the tea and cook it on a low heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Stir well.
  4. Add the warm coconut milk.
  5. Do not strain the tea and drink it during the whole day, and you can drink as much as you like.
This tea will boost your energy and help you cleanse your organism from parasites and toxins, and also treat colds, weak immunity, and various health conditions.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Youth Elixir Recipe That Every Woman Should Try

Did you know that there are natural and effective methods of rejuvenation and that in fact you do not need any expensive cosmetics and even more expensive and riskier surgeries?

Youth Elixir Recipe That Every Woman Should Try

The rejuvenation process of your face, body and the entire organism does not only consist of cosmetic procedures. In this  article we will not discuss over the health “benefits” of surgical methods, because as you know this site covers only healthy lifestyle topics…
It is best to combine different rejuvenation methods that give amazing results: proper diet, adequate physical exercises, natural health and beauty care, and spiritual satisfaction.
You have surely noticed that some women look 10, 15 years younger, and they have not had any expensive cosmetic surgery. One of these young-looking women (the Mrs. wishes to remain anonymous) has revealed the secret of her youthful appearance.
She claims that, after using this elixir, her vision improved significantly (her diopter was -3 and then -1), her skin became smooth and elastic, and her hair was thicker.
And the most amazing thing is that her hair has stopped graying!
Elixir of Youth -- The Recipe
  • 100 ml flaxseed oil
  • 2 medium-sized lemons
  • 1 large garlic bulb
  • 0.5 kg honey
Preparation and dosing:
  1. Clean the garlic, and add it to your blender, together with 1 whole lemon and 1 peeled lemon. Blend well.
  2. Add honey and flaxseed oil to the mixture, and stir again.
  3. Pour the elixir in a jar, seal, and keep it in your refrigerator.
  4. Take a tablespoon of the elixir three times a day, half an hour before your meals.

Home Remedy To Speed Up Metabolism

In this article you will learn more about the natural ways that will help you to speed up your metabolism. As you all know, it is the first step you should make if you want to lose some weight.

Home Remedy To Speed Up Metabolism

You may follow the most efficient diet regimen, but if your metabolism runs slowly, you will most probably not get the results desired.
Green tea is the main ingredient, and it is known for its ability to regulate the metabolism. Tangerines are the second main ingredient, and this citrus fruit is efficient in the fat burning process in your body.
  • Add 4 green tea bags and 2 tangerines chopped into circles to a 35 oz / 1 liter of boiling water.  Use the skin as well, but make sure the fruits are organic and not chemically treated, and also, do not forget to wash them well.
  • Finally, add 10 fresh mint leaves.
  • Keep the mixture in your refrigerator for several hours, so the ingredients could combine well.
Drink 9 oz / 250 ml of the remedy every morning, before you eat or drink anything. For better results consume this drink for several months, and it is even better if this treatment turns into one of your common morning routines.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Feeling Tired Lately? It Might Be Time For A Kidney Detox Juice

Kidneys’ work is constant , all day and all night  without any  stopping . They have several essential functions in the body , so maintaining their healthy functioning should also be essential to you.  They serve as a natural filter for blood, produce hormones and have important function in the urinary system.

Feeling Tired Lately? It Might Be Time For A Kidney Detox Juice

If you haven’t paid  any attention to your diet lately and  you have been eating poorly,so that it resulted in losing weight you might want to help your kidneys out. Try the following detox juice that will boost your energy up in no time.
Ingredients needed:
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 large cucumber
Yes, the preparation of this recipe is as easy as it looks. All you need to do is wash all of the ingredients with  water and put them together in a blender and mix. The sooner you consume this beverage the more nutrients your organism will absorb.
Nutrients will be absorbed  immediately after you drink this juice. Cheers!